"What does Armstrong have to do with this?" I asked the dark man, becoming more curious after the statement that the two were the ones who had sent him on some mission for a nation, a mission that concerned me.
"I followed you," he wrote.
"You followed me? Oh my God, do you know all the lands we walked, from Wales to the valleys of that nation? How did we not notice?" I questioned, not really onto him but much onto myself, trying to remember everything that happened at that moment and during the journey. The crazy fact about that journey was that we got tired and ended up apart.
"Ezron told me," he wrote, which made me more confused and chuckle a bit.
"No, stop, man. Are you serious? Ezron? How do you even know Ezron to start with?"
"He was paid to protect you," he wrote. At that moment, I wondered if this man was not getting tired of plucking leaves and writing on them, or maybe he could not speak, I thought.