It was a moment to relapse, something I could term as the best time ever, especially knowing that my papers were set, and I was now capable of leaving this country without any illegal constraints. However, the problem, was Ezron. He did not have any papers either, and if he had, he may have somehow hidden them from me. However, how could father let him be my guard without any papers when they did not know where we were heading? Anyway, I did not want to think about Ezron; that brother had done more than damage to me. How could he do such a thing to me anyway?

For my own sake, after leaving Amir’s room and having breakfast prepared by the hotel, I decided to look for Ezron, as I was already told his shift was in the evening and the whole night, so that was better.

“Hey, brother,” I called out as Ezron was drinking some bottle. It is some sort of drink; I am not sure of the name they use here, but it quite stimulates one’s energy. It is a good drink, the best indeed.