Father’s worry had taken root in my thoughts, and I had forgotten that I needed to pick out my suit for the ballroom. Days had passed; it all became work, and I had actually asked the guard about his son, to which he seemed very open. He stated that the man had not yet left Iraq; it seemed to have been a productive adventure for him, and he sought not to be disturbed by queries of return. Yes, I would agree with him; Iraq was one country that sought no prejudice on being black or white. They loved you regardless; the only thing that floated in the airs of the nation was the split between religion. The non-Muslims stood no cut; they just seemed a threat. It was maybe something, but I was actually treated well, being Christian. So maybe sometimes religion never impacted me, but I heard statements of it. I had also somehow started standing in line of their wears and costumes; their colors seemed beautiful, and I loved them.