Chapter 28: Stealth Love

Another day passed like every other day, I was working around the large villa alone.

I miss Brian more and more every day. Sometimes, thinking about the kiss he gave me every morning, I feel the sweetness spreading in my mouth even though I don't eat candy.

It's been almost a week since Richard confessed his feelings for me, so today, I decided to tell him my feelings so that he won't waste time on me anymore.

Honestly, if Brian and I don't become a couple, I still can't accept Richard because my love for him has drifted to the end of the sky.

Time did not erase my image in his heart, but it made me forget the first unrequited love in my life.

If we had confessed, dated, picked up, and used to have sweet memories together, even if it was very few, I would not have forgotten so easily.

After all, the memory is just the times when I stood looking at him from afar with admiring eyes.

“I'm listening, Bella.” A warm male voice came from the other side of the phone.