Chapter 51: The man who refuses to grow up

Dawn gradually appeared over the city, everyone brought their bright faces down the street to work and school.

However, I can feel my face is extremely sad and depressed because my heart is very chaotic.

So my steps are also slow, like a turtle crawling. I feel like my energy is gone.

As long as I work as a secretary for Brian, I will still be sad.

However, no matter how slow I go, I still get into the office earlier than everyone else, I simply have to arrive early to make tea for my boss.

After completing the mission, I returned to my seat and waited.

“Hello, director.” I gave an industrial smile and spoke up when I saw an unpleasant handsome face.

It was early in the morning, but Brian's face was like a blanket, wrinkled, without any positive energy, only negative.

Did someone take his cake? Is he going to take his anger out on me in the next few minutes?

Brian didn't answer, didn't nod or shake his head, just walked into the office. I quickly followed him.