"Love is unpredictable, it's comes in your life by many ways until you realise it"


Goody goody stuff!!

It's the sentence written on the novel right now. I am on plane, reading novel , i am going la sandigo for my studies and a little freedom.and believe me it's very very hard to convince my overprotective father and brother to let go me I am an adult now. Then after the lots to lots of fake cry and hardwork they let me but not easily. There are some rules that i have to follow like.

Stay away from boys

Don't go out alone only if it's necessary

Call my dad everyday , so they can relax that I am okay or alive.

I heard that la sandigo is very beautiful city where I can have fun. But there's a problem my dad said me to stay with his bestfriend son. My father bestfriend. Santigo lopez. Who is very kind man whenever he comes, brings me lots of chocolate that I love so much. Usually my dad doesn't leave my alone with an unknown man but dad trust him very much .

Alessandro lopez

I never meet him personally I only saw him on news giving interview and heard about him. I must say he is very handsome man I ever seen on tv.

Mom Said that he is very well behaved man nd he is 28 yr old . 9 yr older than me and I don't know how i am going to survive whole six month with that good looking man.

I never had a boyfriend and a male friend except Adrien who is my neighbour but Eliot never let us communicate much but still he is my good friend.

After some hours plane land. I move toward exit   where I notice a man holding a board where my  picture is sticken and written 'waiting for this beautiful girl '. Aww so sweet i thought and ran toward him . He notice me and took my luggage and put it on diggi of car .

"Amore, right? " he asked. I nodded. " i am Oliver grace . mr.lopez personal driver. " he said and opened the car door for me and hop in.

"Nice to meet you mr.grace" .

He starts the car. I thought why ALESSANDRO not came. Is he think me as a burden, or that I am annoyin- " if you are wondering about mr.lopez so, he said he is sorry for picking you up he has some emergency" Oliver said while looking me through the car's mirror.

"Oh" i sigh. I heard about him he is a workaholic ofcourse his work is more important than me.

After some time of driving. We arrived.' Wow' so beautiful house or I say mansion." It's mr.lopez penthouse" Oliver.

We walked in. It's more beautiful in inside.

Luxurious sofas in hall and many more furnitures. My house is also very big and beautiful but it's so creative. There are many paintings on wall. Oh can I also hang my own painting on this wall?

No, idiot it's not your house, if you that shit and Alessandro get angry. My self councious mocks.

Then i notice a middle aged women coming towards me with a big smile on her face.i walked to her. "Amore, right. I am phoena, Mr.lopez cook or I hope you meet my husband Oliver" she said . " Yea! I meet him and nice to meet you mrs grace"

"Oh please dear call me phoe" i nodded. She took me to my room where my luggage is already on my bed. My room is very beautiful I like the bedsheet or curtains and the paintings on the wall. Oh yes!! Here I will hang my paintings I am sure Alessandro is not going to freaking out because me putting those paintings down on ground.

I wonder where is he it's almost late night. He is always came late or it's because of me . No worries if he is that annoys of me so i will tell dad and move out.

I change into my shorts and t shirt and laid on bed . Wait!! There is a note written

'i am sorry Amore, i know you are disappointed but trust i would come if i could please don't think me as a jerk. Tell phoe or Oliver if you need anything and sleep i can't able to come tonight so i will meet you tomorrow'


Cute! I don't think him as a jerk maybe not anymore. I put this note nightstand drawer then suddenly my phone rang. It's dad.

I know i know how can he sleep without talking to me. 

I picked the call."hey dad"I said.

"How are you princess? Did you reach comfortably? Is Alessandro with you? Are you alone? Or are you scared ? He said in one breath i assume.

"Dad,dad, calm down I am okay, and I am in another city on the country"i said with a little amusement in my voice.

"I know but you know right I am your dad i will be Little worry about my little princess. By the way is ALESSANDRO with you?" He asked.

"No dad,i didn't even meet him he leave note that he is busy or i will meet him tomorrow nothing to worry about" i said.


After talking with my dad atleast half hour. I put my phone on night stand, hug the pillow that is beside thinking about Alessandro that I can meet him tomorrow. I am so, excited for tomorrow.then sleep consume me