Alexander's deep voice rang in my ears, affecting me more than I admitted to myself, while Lymah drooled at his sight.

This was our second meeting after our last talk that ended in shambles, yet, the only thing I thought about was his appearance which looked more charming than our first encounter.

Amaris stepped away from me and bowed at his presence, her deference a reminder of his power and status.

Her action broke me out of my daze, and I curtsied. "Of course, your highness," I responded before meeting his eyes once again.

He walked to where I stood, blue eyes locked on my hazel ones, and I felt my rational senses slip away. My body tingled from his mere proximity, remembering his warm touch and yearning for it.

Afraid of what the bond did to me, I stood still with my hands placed nervously in front of me on my dress, trying to steady my sprinting heart.

Amaris quickly excused herself and left Alexander and me alone in the room.

"You look beautiful, Penelope," he said after the door closed softly behind Amaris and his eyes darted to my wrists that were once bandaged, "and better than the last time I saw you."

I swallowed hard at his compliment, my throat suddenly dry, "Thank you, your highness. You look great as well."

"Alexander," he corrected gently, a small smile playing on his lips.


"We are passed formalities, aren't we? So you may address me by my name, Alexander."

I blinked as a weird heat rushed to my cheeks. "Of course, your high- I mean Alexander," I said, the name feeling intimate and strange on my tongue.

His smile widened, and his white teeth that brought an eerie feeling to my insides flashed. "That's better," he said as he took two more steps closer to me, "You've been on my mind since I set my eyes on you, Penelope. I could barely focus on my work."

I bit my lips, unsure of how to respond.

"And you?" He took more steps closer until he was directly in front of me, "Have you thought of me?"

His directness caught me off guard, and I scowled at the truth. He had been on my mind since we met. His touch too was engraved on my mind. Yet, I spat out the word, "No," denying those emotions that I felt cause of our bond.

His soft chuckle at my denial rippled through the air like a warm breeze, and I found myself adorning the melody it brought to my eardrums. "You're a terrible liar, Penelope. You forget I'm your mate. Even if they're limits to how much of your emotions I can feel for now, I can still feel you. I can hear your not so normal heartbeat too."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment and I tore my gaze away from his face but my eyes returned to his face just as quickly as it left when he reached for my shoulders.

I squirmed as he gripped my two shoulders, turning me to the mirror behind me. His warm hands remained on my shoulders, and my skin burned with heat both from his contact with my skin, and his closeness to me.

As he leaned into my ears, his warm breath fanning my neck, I could feel my heart thud to the point where I thought it would burst out of my chest.

"You don't have to hide how you feel from me, Penelope," his gentle voice caressed my ears, "I feel it too."