Abruptly, I blinked to the familiar white ceiling I'd been waking up to for a while. I was in my room, the same room Alexander gave to me when I first got to his castle. I looked at the crystal chandelier that glowed above me. Although it was dark, they were still beautiful.

As I continued to stare at the ceiling, a familiar beautiful face came into view. Beautiful brown eyes gaped at my face.

I stared blankly at Amaris's beautiful face that hovered above me with concern. "You're finally awake, Miss Penelope," she whispered happily. It was obvious she was surpressing her happiness so she doesn't startle me.

I continued to stare absently at her as I tried to process everything. Her eyes suddenly widened as if she remembered something, and she hurriedly dashed out of the room.

Even after she left, I stared at the door, blinking in confusion. I couldn't think. My brain too wasn't functioning. All I could do was stare blankly at things.

Slowly, my thoughts began to clear just as Liam walked into the room with a stranger.

The male stranger wasn't as tall as Liam, who was an inch taller than Alexander, but he was about the same height as Alexander. His aura was just as commanding.

I sat up on the bed under their gaze and rested on the headboard as they walked to the foot of my bed.

"I'm glad you're finally awake, Luna," Liam said with a small smile. "Everyone was worried."

I tried to speak, but my throat was dry. As I held my throat in discomfort, the stranger approached me with a cup of water he took from the table in my room. He took a sip and waited for a minute before handing it to me.

"We can't have our Luna getting poisoned after her recovery," he explained as he offered the cup.

My eyes darted between Liam and the stranger. At Liam's nod, I took a tentative sip. I wanted to drink every last drop, but with two pairs of eyes watching me like hawks, it felt impossible.

They must have noticed my discomfort because they turned their backs on me. Startled by their gentleness, I gulped down the water to the last drop. It wasn't enough, but I didn't ask for more.

They turned back to face me when I finished.

"Was that enough?" the stranger asked. When I shook my head, he fetched more water from the jug on my table.

I had two more cups before I was satisfied.

"What happened, Luna? You've been out for four days," Liam asked after I'd finished the water.

Four days?

"I... I'm not sure," I replied, brushing through my messy hair as I tried to piece together what had happened. "The last thing I remember was running through alleys while the rogues that attacked us chased me," I said honestly.

Liam and the stranger exchanged glances, their expressions serious. "You don't remember anything before you passed out?" he pressed.

Everything was blank. There was no memory whatsoever of what happened before I passed out. I tried to whack my brain, but my confusion just got worse.

"I wish I could remember more," I admitted, frustration creeping into my voice. "It's all a blur after that. I just remember the fear, the running, and then... nothing."

"Alexander found you injured, close to a building. You were awake when he found you, but you were in some sort of trance. Your eyes were wide open, but your pupils were gone-" Liam held the stranger's hand to stop him from saying anymore.

Their words deepened my confused.

"It's okay if you don't remember, Luna," Liam said gently. "Forgive Draven," he added, nodding toward the stranger. I glanced at Draven briefly before looking back at Liam. "Everyone had been on edge since Alexander brought you home unconscious. What's important is that you're safe now."

At the mention of Alexander's name, my mind immediately wandered to my mate. I nodded before asking, "Where's Alexander?"

Liam and the stranger, Draven, exchanged glances once more. Liam was hesitant to say anything, but Draven intervened. "We honestly don't know. He left the castle two days after you still didn't wake up. It's been two days since he left." he said.

I didn't know how to feel about this news. "He left?" I murmured worriedly, "To where?"

From the way they stared at me, I knew they didn't have the answer. Alexander was powerful and all, I knew this, but leaving for two days without anyone knowing about his whereabouts was worrying.

Nobody said anything for a couple of minutes. While they stared at me, I was lost in my own thoughts, thinking of possible places my mate would've gone to. I kept staring into an abyss until I heard Liam's voice.

"He's here, Luna."

Who's here?

I looked at Liam confused by what he said, until the door opened. Alexander walked in, holding my gaze from the door.

"Alpha." Liam and Draven acknowledged his presence, but he paid no attention to them.

He walked toward me instead. Slowly, as if taking his time to process the scene in front of him. When he walked past Liam and Draven, they bowed slightly, and excused us, leaving the room almost immediately.

Alexander stood close to my bed. His disheveled hair which looked like he had been running his fingers through them constantly, did little to diminish his handsomeness. He still looked as attractive as ever. I frowned at the dark circles under his eyes, showing he had little or no sleep for days.

Carefully, he sat close to me on the bed. He cupped my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine for any lingering pain or distress. When he found none, he exhaled softly in relief. He held both my hands and lifted them to his face, burying his face in my palms. His breath was warm against my skin, and he inhaled more than he exhaled.