A pair of green eyes that gleamed with malice stared at me through the darkness. They were cold and unblinking, radiating a sinister intent that sent chills to every part of my skin. Soon, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see the figure that loomed behind those eyes.

Even if the figure didn't move, the disturbing eerie feeling, and the murderous intent I could surprisingly feel that the figure emitted made me panic.

I tried to will my body to move, to break free from the paralysis that held me captive, but it was no use. My limbs refused to obey, trapped in a nightmarish grip.

Tears began to pool in my eyes when the figure suddenly smiled. Just like how its eyes glowed, the whiteness of his teeth gleamed. I could see its fangs, those long, elongated teeth that looked as sharp as any carnival's fangs when they were bared.