The carriage rocked slightly before slowing to a stop. I hadn't realized how time had passed. I'd been so absorbed in my gift. Instinctively, my fingers brushed the cool metal again, just as the coachman tapped softly on the door of the carriage.

Alexander's eyes lingered on me for a second longer before they shifted toward the door, which swung open abruptly, allowing the light from the stone building's entrance to flood in. I squinted against the sudden brightness. The entrance was lined with a dozen beautifully decorated torches, but even that didn't compare to the magnificence of the building.

Just like the annual ball, the entrance was bustling with well dressed guests, some of which were lingering around the entrance in pairs, exchanging pleasantries with other guests, while others made their way deeper into the manor. It all seemed so polished on the surface, but it made me wonder what the whole party was for.