The Lair

Silas felt a chill run down his spine as Danavar spoke, each word cutting through the air like ice. He hadn't encountered Danavar in the game before, as this quest took place before the main storyline he knew. He could only imagine the discussions game enthusiasts might have about such a formidable character.

"I am yours to command, captain," Ken and Bron said in unison, bowing deeply.

Silas quickly followed suit, mirroring their gestures, feeling that Danavar deserved this level of respect.

The green fairy fluttered ahead, leading them down the slope of the hill. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the light dimmed, leaving only sparse orange rays piercing through the thick canopy above.

Suddenly, a group of tiny spiders emerged, accounting for five. The team sprang into action without waiting for Danavar's command. Silas aimed a [Magic Pierce] at one of the spiders, then quickly switched to [Water Dart] when another tried to sneak behind a soldier.

[You received: +15 Destiny XP and 200 Shields]

[You received: +15 Destiny XP and 200 Shields]

[You received: +15 Destiny XP and 200 Shields]

[You received: +15 Destiny XP and 200 Shields, Spider Fangs x1]

[You received: +15 Destiny XP and 200 Shields, Spider Fangs x1]

The next foe loomed ahead, a spider towering over them, its height rivaling two grown men. Despite its size, it moved with unsettling agility, darting through the shadows and effortlessly weaving between trees. The darkness cloaked its movements, and the dense forest amplified its mobility, making the battle increasingly challenging.

The guards swapped their swords for flintlock rifles while two Peacekeepers held lanterns above their heads. The beams cut through the gloom to reveal fleeting glimpses of the creature.

Silas conjured [Flickering Fire], maneuvering the fiery orbs to encircle the enemy.

"There!" someone shouted, pointing to a black, hairy mass slipping through the shadows.

The guards aimed and fired, the rifles' reports echoing through the forest. The handheld lights allowed them to target the spider accurately, bullets striking true.

The guards pointed their rifles at the giant spider as it tried. However, the combination of handheld lamps and rifles proved to be a great strategy. It allowed the soldiers to see the beasts' movements, preventing the monster from making any surprise attack.

Silas extinguished the fire and aimed his staff at the spider. Blue light pulsed from its tip as he unleashed [Water Dart]. Three sharp jets of water shot toward the monster, each finding its mark.

He focused, predicting its erratic movements, and aimed the last dart at its head.

The [Water Dart] struck home, and the spider staggered, collapsing. One of the guards pulled a stick grenade from his belt. He unscrewed the cap and hurled it at the fallen beast.

Silas crouched and covered his ears, but the explosion still left his ears ringing. When Danavar pulled him up, shaking his shoulders, Silas finally realized they had succeeded

[You received: +60 Destiny XP and 400 [Shields], [Spider Fangs] x2]

"Can you hear me now?" Danavar's voice sounded muffled as if it came from a distance.

Silas shook his head, still disoriented. "What?"

"I'm okay!" he shouted, pointing to himself.

Gradually, the ringing in their ears subsided, and the group continued following the green fairy. Silas now understood why the guards had been hesitant to use the grenade earlier—it was too risky in confined spaces. The weapon was a double-edged sword, capable of harming both enemies and allies.

They emerged from the forest onto a flat plain where knee-high grasses swayed in the wind, hissing like snakes. The full moon bathed the landscape in a pale light. Silas scanned the horizon, spotting a dark mound against the flat terrain.

"I think that's the monster's lair," he said, pointing to the distant hill-like shape.

Danavar nodded. "It's too dark to proceed now."

"Captain," Bron interjected, "we should keep moving. The moonlight is enough for us to see; if we camp here, the monster might ambush us in our sleep. We should strike first."

Silas cleared his throat. "I agree. When I was traveling to Gram with a caravan, we were attacked by these things at night. We barely managed to save one person. We should attack now."

Danavar considered their words and nodded. "I understand, but we need a plan before we move forward."

The remaining guards moved around Danavar. Silas opened his [Character Interface] to allocate the [Attribute Points] he had earned. Currently, he has 10 [Attribute Points] to distribute. He needed to use them efficiently based on the enemy he would be facing. Arachne, the First Weaver, was known for her thick HP and medium-rate attacks. Investing in both [Health Points] and [Defense] would be logical, as it would help in resisting damage if he got hit and also increase his health bar, allowing him to last longer in battles.

He decided to add 3 [Attribute Points] each to [Health Points] and [Defense] and two points to [Energy]. The remaining two points went to his [Attack]—an extra six [Attack] might prove valuable in his battle with the final boss.

[Health Points +3. Health Points: 278 ->308]

[Defense +3. Defense: 24 ->30]

[Energy +2. Energy: 180 -> 200]

[Attack +2. Attack: 96 ->102]

Silas opened his palm and conjured [Flickering Fire]. The Peacekeepers turned, eyes wide with shock. Ignoring their stares, Silas focused on the flame. It was now twice the size of his fist, glowing brighter and warmer than before. He smiled, pleased with the increase in power since his Attack surpassed 100.

Closing the [Interfaces], he turned his attention to Danavar, who gathered everyone together. Silas wondered what plan the man had in mind. The mysterious lump ahead loomed ominously, its contents unknown.

"So, here's the plan," Danavar began. "We surround the lair on all sides and burn it. Use every Fire Skill you have."

Silas raised an eyebrow. "That's not much of a plan," he muttered.

Danavar's eyes met his. "Sometimes, the simplest plans are the best. We cover each other and adjust as needed. Complex plans can lead to mistakes. This way, we minimize failure."

The guards nodded, determination set in their expressions.

"Five minutes, then we begin," Danavar ordered.