3.A sad story

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  Changan was startled and looked up at her aunt. She looked at her smiling face and looked kind, not like she was talking.

  She then turned her gaze to her four-year-old cousin Song Xiyue.

  Song Xiyue smiled back at her and took a bite of a dessert in her hand.

  Huh? Who is talking?

  Changan was puzzled and looked around. There was no one else in the room.

  Even her civet cat didn't come back. It was probably going to the mountains to hunt again.

  Changan frowned and thought for a moment, scratching his ears with his little hands, suspecting that he had heard wrongly.

  But when he saw the bowl of braised pork mixed with green leaves, he couldn't eat it anymore.

  [With your appearance, you should be trampled under my feet for the rest of your life. It's better to die immediately so that you won't hinder me from going to the capital to enjoy life.]

  That vicious voice appeared again.

  Changan's eyes widened instantly. This time she recognized that the voice was Song Xiyue's.

  But Song Xiyue's mouth clearly didn't move. Why did she say so many words?

  Is she a ghost? Can she curse in her stomach?

  "Changan, don't be in a daze, eat quickly." Wu picked up the most complete piece of meat and handed it to her mouth.

  Changan wanted to avoid her aunt's feeding, but the meat was so fragrant that she couldn't help but eat another piece, and then only ate rice, and no longer wanted braised pork.

  But a pair of black eyes stared at the four-year-old cousin.

  [What are you looking at! I'll kill you if you look again! ]

  The voice was still speaking cruelly: [Little bitch! You were so powerful in your last life, enjoying all the glory and wealth with your bitch mother, and even marrying a good family in the end. I'm here in this life, let's see how rampant you can be! ]

  Changan didn't understand what Song Xiyue was saying, but she also knew that this little cousin had been scolding her and her mother.

  She was angry, picked up a chopstick and threw it at Song Xiyue: "You are..." bitch.

  Before she finished speaking, the chopstick flew out and stabbed directly into Song Xiyue's forehead.

  "Ah" Song Xiyue covered her forehead and howled, blood flowing from the gaps between her fingers.

  Xiao Zhao was horrified and hurriedly checked her daughter's forehead.

  "Oh my God! Such a big bloody hole!" Xiao Zhao pulled out the chopsticks, rushed out of the house in a hurry, grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground in the yard, and covered Song Xiyue's forehead directly.

  Chang'an was stunned, and at the same time shrank his neck guiltily.

  How did his strength become stronger? His aim was so good that he could pierce Song Xiyue's head in one go.

  Seeing this, Wu also hurriedly got off the kang, stuffed Chang'an into the quilt, and went to check on Song Xiyue.

  "You don't have to be kind!" Song Xiyue pushed Wu away fiercely and ran out of the house.

  Xiao Zhao also glared at Wu with resentment, and didn't take the food box, and chased after her daughter.

  Chang'an huddled in the quilt, bored and looking at the palm of her hand, suddenly she saw that one of the beads in her palm was missing.

  She lay in the quilt and searched for a long time but couldn't find it, and she was even more puzzled.

  Suddenly she remembered that when she threw the chopsticks before, it seemed that a light flashed on her hand.

  Did the little bead help her?

  Changan pursed her lips and chuckled, muttering in her heart: Xiaozhuzhu, can you cure my aunt's foot?

  The beads in her palm flashed, as if responding to her inner thoughts.

  At this moment, the door was kicked open with a bang, and Mrs. Zhao rushed in with a clothes beater.

  "Where is that little bitch? How dare you kill someone at such a young age? I'll beat you to death!"

  Mrs. Zhao scolded as she bullied to the edge of the kang and stretched out her hand to lift the quilt.

  Wu stopped her mother-in-law tightly, "It's just a child playing, Changan didn't mean it. Didn't Chengye break Changan's forehead last time?" When

  Mrs. Zhao saw the third daughter-in-law reply to her with this, she couldn't help but get angry and hit Wu's shoulder and arm with the clothes beater in her hand.

  "You lowly bastard of the same kind, how dare you ridicule me?"

  Wu's family was very poor, and her only brother was tuberculosis. She was a poor family that Mrs. Zhao carefully selected, and deliberately chose Song Sanshun as her daughter-in-law, just to make it easier for her to control her in the future.

  Unexpectedly, this little bitch would use what she said a few days ago to counterattack her. Mrs. Zhao was so furious.     "Bad guy!" Seeing his aunt being beaten, little Chang'an immediately got out of bed, and despite his fear, he picked up the bowl on the table and threw it at Mrs. Zhao.

  Who would have thought that this time his aim was not good, and he didn't hit anyone, but broke the bowl.

  "Well! You dare to hit your ancestors?" Mrs. Zhao cursed angrily, pushed Mrs. Wu down, climbed onto the kang and chased Chang'an to beat him.

  Chang'an dodged left and right, but was still hit twice, and she cried loudly in pain.

  Mrs. Wu finally got up, hugged her mother-in-law tightly, and screamed loudly: "Chang'an, run!"

  If you don't run, the clothes beater may hit you in the vital parts, which can really kill you.

  Chang'an obediently jumped off the kang and rushed out barefoot, but ended up bumping into a pair of legs.

  The man grabbed her by the back of the neck and lifted her up.

  "Little beast! Where are you going to run?"

  The man was Song Jizu. When he learned that his little daughter's forehead was broken by Chang'an, he immediately ran to question her.

  "If I don't kill you this time, I'll take your surname!"

  He slapped Chang'an in the face, and her face was swollen, and blood flowed from her nose and mouth.

  Song Jizu was still not satisfied, and he grabbed Chang'an's neck with his big hands, as if he wanted to strangle her to death. His

  lustful eyes glared at Wu, who was being beaten by his mother, full of warning.

  Chang'an was very scared, and she moved her hands and feet desperately, and screamed.

  The sound was quite miserable, as if she was going to die in the next moment.

  In an instant, the neighbors on both sides ran over, and someone stepped forward to grab Song Jizu's neck and shouted: "Let go!"

  A man who was almost 30 years old actually bullied a three-year-old kid, especially when the kid's parents still supported their family.

  "Are you still a human?" The family next door also had the surname Song, and they were of the same clan as the Song Erxiao brothers. Seeing Chang'an's swollen face and blood in his mouth, he was immediately furious.

  He is a wild bastard from another surname! How dare he?

  If it weren't for Changan's shrill cry today, they wouldn't have known that the Zhao family was such a jerk!

  Taking Changan and handing him to the people around him, Song Laoliu punched Song Jizu's nose hard, and blood immediately splattered.

  Changan was held in Aunt Qian's arms, crying out of breath, and pointed to the house with her little hand: "Grandma, hit, aunt."

  Everyone rushed into the house again and helped Wu up from the ground.

  Seeing that Wu's ankles were swollen and frightening, her hands and face were bruised, and there was a big purple lump on her forehead, they were immediately filled with righteous indignation.

  "You are such a jerk!" Several people surrounded Song Jizu and punched him: "You bully your brother's wife and niece while your brother is not at home. Even beasts don't do this!" "

  Get out of Songjia Village!" someone shouted.

  Several people punched and kicked Song Jizu, and he knelt on the ground with his head in his hands and begged for mercy. "Stop hitting me. I was wrong. I was wrong."

  Mrs. Zhao wanted to come over to save her son, but she was kicked to the ground by someone and slapped on the face. She immediately sat on the ground and slapped her thighs and cried.

  She cried that everyone bullied her and her widowed son, cried that God was unjust, and cried that her husband died early, causing her to marry into the Song family and suffer.

  She cried and sang, and white foam appeared at the corners of her mouth. Everyone stared at her with disgust, and wanted to slap the old woman a few more times.   "Oh my God, look at how you beat the child, his face is covered with blood." Sister Qian wiped the blood from Chang'an's nose with heartache.

  Seeing   that Wu and Chang'an were seriously injured, everyone had already told the young man to invite the village doctor and the clan leader.   The clan leader walked in with his hands behind his back, and swept Zhao's eyes like a torch, and shouted: "If you want to cry, get out and cry! Don't show off on the Song family's territory!"   Mrs. Zhao choked, and her eyes were at a loss for a moment.   But when she saw her husband, Old Man Song, walking into the yard, she started to complain again with tears and snot:   "I asked Chengye's mother with good intentions to bring food to your third daughter-in-law. There was white rice and red braised pork, but she smashed the bowl and chopsticks after she finished eating. Poor four-year-old Xiyue, she had to suffer such a cruel fate. There was a hole as big as a bowl on her forehead, and blood was flowing out."   (End of this chapter)