The easy one

  Song Sanshun pushed his stepmother away and said coldly: "If you want to go crazy, go to your own son. Don't think I'm a soft persimmon that's easy to control."

  If it weren't for his biological father, he really wanted to kick him.

  Song Laoliu also pushed Old Zhao: "Are you mentally ill? Sanshun standing at the door of his house is also a hindrance to you?"

  Mrs. Zhao staggered back and almost fell, then sat on the ground, slapping her thigh and crying.

  At this time, Xiao Zhao and Song Yufeng ran out of the house, glared at Song Sanshun, and persuaded and dragged Mrs. Zhao back home.

  Wu was afraid that her husband would suffer, so she held Chang'an in one hand and dragged him back with the other.

  Song Laoliu also came back and said to Song Sanshun: "I heard that Song Jizu took the family money to buy good farmland, but he met two scammers. The farm they took Song Jizu to see was not theirs at all. Later, Song Jizu took the land deed to collect the farmland, but was beaten out. It turned out that the land deed in his hand was fake. Hehe, it was really retribution."

  Song Sanshun looked indifferent and asked: "How much was he cheated of?"

  "Who knows? It's probably not a small amount. Think about it, a farmland must be at least more than ten acres, right?" According to the market price of five strings of money per acre of good farmland, Song Jizu was cheated of at least a hundred strings of money this time.

  Song Laoliu continued: "Your father has already gone to settle accounts with Zhao Lu, the leader. I guess there will be a good show when he comes back. When signing the land deed, it is said that it was Song Jizu's uncle who acted as a guarantor, and those who sold the land were also led by him."

  Song Sanshun smiled slightly.

  As expected by himself, Zhao Lu is indeed a black-hearted person who even cheated his nephew and son-in-law of money.

  Everyone knows that there are bees in Tieniu Town. They often hang out in casinos and restaurants, and even people in the pawnbroker industry have connections with them.

  I just walked around the casino and occasionally revealed that Song Jizu's family wanted to buy good farmland, and those people rushed over after hearing the news.

  I don't know what method they used to let Zhao Lu bring those bees who specialize in cheating people to find Song Jizu and guarantee them.

  This is fine, let them fight each other.

  However, my own father lost so much money, and the first thing he would do when he came back would probably be to take back these old houses.

  Sure enough.

  In the afternoon, Song Baqi and Song Jizu came to the old house.

  Song Sanshun was pounding rice with a stone mortar, and he didn't stop when he saw them coming.

  Song Baqi stood by and watched his son pounding rice. After a while, he said, "Sanshun, Dad wants to discuss something with you."

  Song Sanshun put down the gavel and looked at his father quietly.

  Song Baqi coughed lightly and said, "Jizu was cheated by someone, and he's a little short of cash. Dad wants to discuss with you. I'll give the two acres of land allocated to you to Jizu first, and then return the land to you when he gets the money back."

  Song Sanshun couldn't help but sneer when he heard it: "Dad, you said a lot, isn't it just to take back my land? It's such a coincidence that the two acres of land have been mortgaged to someone else by me."

  "What? You mortgaged the two acres of land? To whom?" Song Baqi was instantly furious: "You prodigal, the land belongs to me! It's good enough to give it to you to farm, why did you mortgage it privately?"

  "Since Dad said so, let's settle it."

  Song Sanshun decided not to endure it anymore, and said word by word: "When my brother came of age, the court allocated 15 acres of land to him, but you sold it after a few years, saying that the more land you have, the more taxes you have to pay, and if there is a drought or flood, even the seeds can be lost."

  "When I became an adult, you still sold the 15 mu of land allocated to me, saying that you needed money to marry me. But my wife's family only received a betrothal gift of one guan of money from you. The new clothes I bought for my wedding and various expenses added up to less than two guan.

  Dad, please tell me, 15 mu of land, even if it is just low-quality land, there are three guan per mu, right? Where did the money from selling the land go?

  This time when we divided the family, you only gave me two mu. I just bought grain and planted it, and you come to ask for it again. Are you going to force my family to die?"

  Song Sanshun said, squatting on the ground and covering his face and crying.

  Song Baqi was speechless by his son's words, his old face flushed, and he couldn't think of a reason to teach his son a lesson for a long time.

  Seeing her husband crying, Wu couldn't help crying.

  For a while, the only sound in the poor yard was the sobbing of the couple.

  Even the people standing outside the fence wall watching the excitement couldn't help but raise their sleeves to wipe their eyes, and more people looked at Song Baqi with unfriendly eyes.

  Changan looked at his uncle, then at his grandfather who had a face full of anger. He pursed his lips and tried not to cry, but he clenched his fists tightly.     Grandfather is so bad, he came to steal uncle's things again!

  His family is so rich, and they live in a beautiful big house. They also raise many chickens at home, and they have eggs to eat every day, but they still came to steal uncle's fields.

  Even the three-year-old Chang'an knew that if there was no field, there would be no food to eat in the future.

  Without food, she and her uncle and aunt would not survive the winter.

  Because there were no wild vegetables to fill their stomachs in winter.

  "Uncle, don't cry, Chang, Chang'an will make a lot of money for you in the future." Chang'an threw herself into her uncle's arms, trying her best to say a complete sentence, and wiped her uncle's tears with her little palms.

  Song Sanshun hugged her little niece and cried even harder.

  At the age of 22, he cried so heartbreakingly for the first time, and cried away the only love he had for his father.

  Seeing his son crying miserably, Song Baqi's old face became more and more embarrassed. He opened and closed his mouth several times, but finally said nothing and turned away.

  Song Jizu glared at Song Sanshun gloomily, and the scars on his face from being scratched by the cat became more hideous, and he followed Song Baqi away.

  The onlookers sighed and whispered to each other, all cursing Song Baqi for being a worthless person, saying that Song Jizu deserved to be cheated of his money, and it was all retribution.

  Seeing that his father was gone, Song Sanshun immediately stood up, wiped his tears, went to the kitchen to scoop water to wash his face, and continued to pound rice.

  At noon today, he would cook a big meal of rice, and then make a few side dishes to celebrate. After

  pounding the rice, he asked his wife to winnow the chaff at home, and he took his niece to the pond outside the village to catch snails.

  The snails in early spring are plump, and there are not many leeches in the pond. It is a good time to eat snails.

  Song Sanshun put his niece by the pond and let her stay with Goudan, and he rolled up his trousers and went into the pond.

  Song Laoliu also followed and went into the pond from the other side, laughing: "Sanshun, let's see who can catch more snails today."

  Although he is a few years older than Song Sanshun, he is still a teenager and likes to go to the river pond to catch fish and shrimps the most.

  There was little rain this spring, and the water level in the pond dropped a lot, exposing many snails and river clams.

  Chang'an squatted by the pond and saw several snails bigger than eggs sneaking into the mud.

  "Snail! Snail!" The little kid screamed, and just as she was about to go down, her trouser legs were bitten tightly by Huahua.

  "Huahua, let go, let go!" The little kid tried to rescue her trouser legs from Huahua's mouth, but Huahua ignored her and desperately dragged her to the shore.

  "Don't come down, uncle will catch you." Song Sanshun saw this scene, walked over on the mud, threw the big snail in his hand to the shore, and bent down to take out a few big snails from the mud. Chang'an

  picked up a lot of snails, and laughed from ear to ear. He piled them up one by one, regardless of the mud on them.

  With so many snails, you can pick out a lot of meat.

  Chang'an slurped his saliva, touched Huahua and said, "You stay here and watch. I'll go over there."

  Ever since she said her first complete sentence, Chang'an's tongue seemed to be straightened out, and she spoke much more fluently.

  She was in a good mood and ran quickly to the other side, hoping to catch a snail herself.

  There are several large stones here, which were used for washing clothes when the water level was high. Now that

  the water level of the river pond has dropped, the large stones cannot reach the water surface, and the villagers have laid a layer of small stones downwards, so you can walk to the depths of the river pond from here.

  Chang'an ran to the place closest to the water and squatted down to see if there were any snails underwater.

  Suddenly, the vicious voice of her little cousin rang in her head: [Go to hell! ]

  Chang'an turned around and saw that her little cousin had appeared behind her at some point and was pushing towards her. (End of this chapter)