Sharing the money

  The boy named Chunshan cried loudly after being hit by the little hoe several times. He finally got up and ran away.

  The crying of the little boy attracted several villagers. After they ran over to ask about the situation, they all looked at Song Chengye.

  As expected, like father, like daughter, like son, like mouse. This Song Chengye completely inherited the bad roots of Song Jizu. He even bullied a three-year-old child. He deserved to be beaten.

  However, how did the three-year-old Changan beat the seven-year-old Song Chengye to tears?

  Wu also came over after hearing the sound, picked up Changan and went home.

  Bai Huahua ran behind the little master, howling from time to time, as if imitating Song Chengye's crying.

  Changan understood the dog's ridicule and couldn't help but giggle.

  Wu patted her and whispered, "Are you still laughing? Why are you fighting with those children?"

  "My cousin wanted to beat me first." Changan hugged his aunt's neck.

  Wu paused for a moment and said, "If you meet someone from that side next time, stay away from them and run back home quickly."

  Just because the little niece didn't suffer this time doesn't mean she won't next time. She's still so young, how can she fight someone who's so much older than her?

  "Yeah." Chang'an doesn't like fighting, because every time after a fight, her little seedling loses a leaf.

  This time, the seventh leaf that had grown with great difficulty disappeared again, leaving only six.

  She still has to keep the leaves to save her father, so she doesn't want to waste them on fighting with her little cousin.

  After returning home, Chang'an and Goudan and Little Chutou continued to sit in the yard and make clay figures.

  This time, there were more people watching.

  Most of them were children aged eight, nine or ten, and there were also a few adults.

  Fortunately, they all stood outside the fence and didn't come in to disturb.

  Song Xiyue was also hiding in the crowd. She looked at Chang'an coldly, her heart churning. In her

  previous life, Chang'an was dumb and didn't say a word all day, and she couldn't make clay figures at all. I don't know what happened in this life, she actually has this skill?

  However, the kid was lucky in her previous life. Her grandmother took her into the mountains and threw her away twice, but she was able to find her way back alone.

  Later, her grandmother changed her mind and wanted to secretly sell her to a trafficker in the county without telling her grandfather.

  If the kid's mother hadn't suddenly asked someone to come and take her away, this would have been done.

  Later, there was a three-year drought in this area, and the family's food and money were robbed by refugees. There was no other way, so the grandmother took the whole family to seek refuge with relatives.

  But the relatives didn't even leave a meal and asked them to leave directly.

  After that, the family begged along the way to the capital to find Chang'an and his mother.

  After arriving in the capital, they looked for the address, but found that there was no such person at all.

  Song Xiyue no longer remembers how her family spent that miserable day. First, her grandfather died, then her father Song Jizu also died, and then her younger brother and grandmother also died. She and her mother sold themselves as slaves to survive.

  A few years passed, and when she finally met Chang'an, she was already an official's wife. It is said that she married an official as a concubine.

  And she was just a lowly slave, watching her and her mother wearing gold and silver, enjoying the best of life.

  When Song Xiyue thought of how she looked so superior when she knelt down and begged Chang'an to redeem her, she felt resentful.

  We were of the same origin, the same mud legs, why was she nobler than herself?

  When she was a child, Chang'an was a toad in the mud, and she was much better than her. Just because her mother took her to the capital, her status and hers were reversed from then on.

  In this life, she must go to the capital first and live a life of luxury.

  By then, she will also see how Chang'an knelt in front of her and begged for redemption?

  Song Xiyue thought so, with a sneer on her lips.

  Suddenly, Chang'an raised his head and looked at her, with an expression as if he could see through her thoughts.     Song Xiyue was startled and turned away quickly.

  Chang'an looked at her little cousin's back as she left, frowning slightly.

  Her little cousin's inner thoughts were all over the place, and she couldn't understand a lot of things.

  However, her little cousin seemed to be talking about the three-year drought again, and said that the refugees had taken away food and money.

  Chang'an was anxious and immediately got up to find his aunt.

  The food and money of his family must not be taken away by others, otherwise he and his uncle and aunt would starve.

  But his aunt and Aunt Qian went out to pick locust flowers and were not at home.

  "Chang'an, I will learn to make clay figures from you too." Qiao'er came over and held Chang'an's hand.

  "Yeah." Chang'an had to sit back on the futon and teach Qiao'er sister to make clay figures.

  Of course, before making clay figures, you have to learn how to distinguish the soil. Only the clay under the reed pond or the red clay will not crack.

  First, dig out the clay and expose it to the sun, then sift out impurities such as sand and stones, and then add clean water to make a very thin mud.

  The mud needs to be sieved again with a fine sieve to remove impurities. After a day and a night of sedimentation, the water on the mud is poured off, and what remains is the black-brown fine mud.

  Some shredded cotton wool must be added to the fine mud, and then it is repeatedly kneaded and beaten until the two are blended.

  After that, the mud is wrapped up and placed in a cool place for use. The

  work of making mud is tedious and tiring, so it is naturally not Chang'an who does it, but she cannot help but tell Sister Qiao'er the necessary procedures.

  Qiao'er was a little stunned when she listened to Chang'an's description word by word.

  She didn't expect that making a clay figure would be so troublesome.

  However, for the sake of money, she would never give up. She had finally persuaded her mother to let her and her brother learn from Chang'an.

  Someone nearby also listened and laughed, "No wonder I saw Samsoon often digging mud in the reeds. It turns out that it is used to make clay figures."

  "It seems that we should also go and dig some back, and learn to make clay figures from Chang'an in the future." The villagers were all a little tempted.

  In the village, except for the clan leader's family and Song Baqi's family, the rest of the people's lives were tight.

  If she could learn to make clay figurines from Changan, earning two or three hundred coins a month would be a big income, not to mention other things.

  Changan turned a deaf ear to these words, and was not worried that she would starve her master to death if she taught her apprentice.

  Because the little goldfish wanted her to learn many skills, the more she learned, the more leaves of the little seedlings in her palms, the better her luck would be in the future, and her father would not die.

  The little goldfish also said that people who were with her would also have good luck, and their lives would become smoother and smoother.

  In the evening, Song Sanshun and Song Laoliu rushed home.

  The two of them ran into Song Sanshun's house like thieves and poured out the things in the saddle bag.

  With a clatter!

  A pile of copper coins and silver ingots immediately dazzled Wu's eyes.

  She cried out and covered her mouth in surprise.

  Song Sanshun smiled and said, "The Ganoderma lucidum was sold for forty taels of silver. We and Sixth Brother's family will share half."

  He thought that the Ganoderma lucidum was found by Changan and Goudan together, so he divided it this way.

  Of course, even if Changan found it first, Goudan was there at the time, and he must have a share.

  As for the small hoe, he was not there at the time, so it could not be counted as his.

  Song Laoliu scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "No need to divide it like this. My dog ​​said that Changan found it first." (End of this chapter)