Dressing as a bride

"I know." Song Sanshun put the backpack in one basket, and in another basket there were quilts, shovels and other items.

Carrying their loads, Song Sanshun, Song Laoliu and other villagers left the village and headed for the county town.

In the next few days, Mrs. Qian and Jin Guihua often came over to peel soapberries and make beads with Mrs. Wu.

After Goudan and Xiaochutou learned to read, they would take Changan out to play.

Of course, Wu Chonglou will always follow, and Bai Huahua and Dahei will also be traveling with him.

A group of children came to the dry pond outside the village and saw many children running and playing wildly in the dry pond, and some were digging something under the mud.

Chang'an found it interesting and also ran into the pond.

There were two little girls squatting by the pond playing house with clam shells. Chang'an went over to watch and heard one of the girls say, "My meal is ready. Come and have some."

The other one nodded in agreement, picked up a clam shell filled with mud and pretended to put it into his mouth.

She also broke off two grass sticks and used them as chopsticks, and ate with gusto.

"This is fish, this is mutton, and this is pork." A little girl introduced several clams one by one.

Chang'an was surprised. He squatted beside the three of them and looked at them closely to see if they were really going to eat it.

Fortunately, they were all acting and did not eat the dirt in the clam shells.

But this game is really fun.

Changan also picked up a few clam shells and placed them next to the girl's clam shells. Then he put a handful of soil in them and muttered, "I want to cook rice, stew some vegetables and tofu, and also stew pig's trotters with soybeans, stir-fried snail meat with celery, and pepper fish balls."

She named the dishes one by one, making the girl drool.

The two girls were no more than five or six years old, and were covered in dirt. One was Little Chutou's younger sister named Qiangwei, and the other was someone Chang'an didn't know.

But they both obviously knew Changan, and they immediately came over and said, "Changan, let's play together, and you can be the bride."

Changan blinked and nodded.

In the eyes of children, being a bride is synonymous with beauty and is the identity they dream of.

So the two girls asked Chang'an to sit down, combed her hair and braided it, and put powder on her face.

Of course, that powder is actually just a handful of fine pond mud.

When Wu Chonglou came over, he saw little Chang'an sitting upright on a stone with a rice basket on his head and a layer of mud on his cheeks. He was smilingly touching the gums of a little girl.

Another girl also said: "The bride touched your mouth, and your teeth will grow out tomorrow."

It turned out that a little girl had her front tooth knocked out and it hadn't grown out for a long time, so she asked the little "bride" to help her touch her teeth.

Wu Chonglou was also speechless and quickly asked Chang'an to go home.

Chang'an was having a great time and didn't want to go back at all.

She seldom played with girls of similar age, and now she was reluctant to leave Qiangwei and the others.

Wu Chonglou had no choice but to stand aside and watch the little kids get married, cook, eat, wash dishes, etc.

At this moment, a group of teenage boys came running over, deliberately stepped on the girls' clam shells and ran over. One boy even kicked them several times, sending all the shells flying.

The two girls got angry and picked up clods of mud and threw them over.

Changan also put his hands on his hips and cursed: "Bad guy!"

But the boys ignored the girls and ran away laughing. As a result, the two children in front suddenly fell down, and the people behind them couldn't stop and tripped over.

"Haha! I told you not to do bad things!" Qiangwei and the other two were satisfied and pulled Changan home.

More than ten days passed in a flash, and on September 20th, a horse-drawn carriage suddenly came to the village and drove straight to Song Baqi's door.

The driver was the middle-aged man who had been there before. He said something to the back, and a nanny in her forties got out of the carriage.

Old Mrs. Zhao came out of the house when she heard the noise. Her eyes lit up when she saw the person in the carriage. She quickly ushered the person in and said, "Hey, please come in and have a seat."

The driver tied up the horse and said with a smile: "We are here to pick up Chang'an. We can't delay and we must set off immediately."

The old maid also said, "You don't have to work hard. Just pack the child's clothes. You don't have to worry about anything else."

"Okay, I'll clean it up right away." Old Mrs. Zhao led the two of them into the main room and asked her daughter-in-law to make tea. She then ran into the house to call her granddaughter Song Xiyue out.

Song Xiyue was so excited that she immediately ran out of the room and saluted to the nanny and the driver: "Changan greets uncle and aunt."

She had been a slave in her previous life, and knew that wealthy families paid great attention to etiquette, so she did everything perfectly.

The nanny looked at the fair and tender girl and was very surprised: "Are you Jiang's daughter Song Chang'an?"

"Yes, my mother's name is Jiang Ruyi, my father is Song Erxiao, and the one before is my grandmother and aunt." Song Xiyue answered fluently.

Mammy smiled: "Oh, I didn't expect Jiang's daughter to be so smart. How old are you this year?"

Song Xiyue said seriously: "I am an ox, born on June 22, and now I am four years and three months old."

In fact, she was born in the Year of the Rat on March 24th of the Jiazi Year, exactly one year and three months older than Chang'an.

Seeing that he was so thoughtful at such a young age, the nanny couldn't help but sigh: "Your parents are not around, but you have raised you so well. It shows that your family is very attentive. It is really a rare harmonious family."

Song Xiyue smiled, "Auntie, you are too kind. Although my parents are not at home, Auntie and grandmother love me very much."

The nanny nodded, and suddenly a young lady of about twelve or thirteen came out and bowed to her: "Yufeng greets you, madam."

"Who is this?" The nanny looked at the girl in front of her.

When Song Xiyue saw her aunt coming out, a trace of impatience flashed across her face, but she was afraid that she would ruin her plans, so she had to introduce her: "She is my aunt, her name is Song Yufeng."

The nanny didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

I was just asked to pick up Jiang's child, and I had no interest in getting to know other people.

Seeing that the nanny was not very warm to her, Song Yufeng felt a little dissatisfied, but in order to be able to go to the capital with her, she did not dare to show it.

Mammy waited for a while, drank the egg tea that Xiao Zhao brought, and asked, "Are you ready? We are leaving."

She also has to catch up with the caravan ahead and can't delay.

"It's all right." Old Zhao came out holding two large bundles and bowed to the nanny: "It's all right now."

"Put the bag in the car." Nanny stood up and walked out the door taking Song Xiyue's hand.

Old Mrs. Zhao hurried after them and winked at her daughter.

Song Yufeng understood and followed the nanny to get in the car.

The nanny carried Song Xiyue onto the carriage. Seeing the old woman and the little girl also climbing onto the carriage, she couldn't help but wonder, "What are you doing?"

Old Zhao smiled flatteringly and said, "I have always taken care of my granddaughter. She cannot leave me."

Song Yufeng said quickly: "Xi Changan is closest to me, I, I can't bear to leave her, I will go wherever she goes."