
The Battles of Blood

The days turned into weeks as Steven journeyed deeper into the heart of Relicess. The landscape grew more treacherous and the creatures more fearsome. The alien realm, with its surreal beauty and lurking dangers, tested him at every turn. Yet, the challenges only fueled his resolve. He knew that somewhere within this twisted reality lay the ultimate test, and he was determined to be ready when it came.

One evening, as the eerie twilight of Relicess cast long shadows across the landscape, Steven felt a sudden shift in the air. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as a deep, resonant voice echoed in his mind.

"Beware, Steven. Oriyu approaches."

Steven's pulse quickened. The guardian's voice had never been so direct. He tightened his grip on his sword and scanned the surrounding forest. The trees, with their gnarled branches and luminescent leaves, seemed to close in around him. Then, from the darkness, a pair of glowing red eyes emerged, followed by a hulking figure covered in thick, black fur.

Oriyu was a monstrous beast, towering over Steven with a muscular build that radiated raw power. Its claws were as long as swords, and its teeth glistened like daggers. The creature let out a deafening roar, shaking the very ground beneath Steven's feet.

Without hesitation, Steven charged at Oriyu, his sword slicing through the air. The beast moved with surprising agility, dodging the initial strike and countering with a swipe of its massive claw. Steven barely managed to block the blow, the force of the impact sending him stumbling backward.

The battle that ensued was fierce and relentless. Steven and Oriyu clashed with the ferocity of titans, each strike and parry echoing through the forest. Steven's mind raced as he tried to anticipate the beast's movements. Oriyu was not only powerful but also cunning, using the terrain to its advantage. It leaped from tree to tree, attacking from above and behind, forcing Steven to stay on his toes.

Despite his training and the power of Dest, Steven found himself pushed to his limits. Oriyu's attacks were relentless, its claws tearing through his armour and drawing blood. Each wound sapped his strength, and he could feel his resolve waning. But with every hit he took, Steven's determination grew stronger. He knew he had to win, not just for himself but for Martin and the world that depended on him.

In a desperate bid, Steven channelled all his remaining strength into a single, powerful strike. He feigned a retreat, drawing Oriyu in, and then spun around, his sword glowing with the power of Dest. With a mighty roar, he brought the blade down, slicing through Oriyu's neck in a blinding arc of light.

The beast let out a final, guttural growl before collapsing to the ground. Steven fell to his knees, gasping for breath as he watched the life drain from Oriyu's eyes. He placed his hand on the creature's still-warm body, drawing its blood into his core. The power that surged through him was immense, filling him with a renewed sense of purpose.

Oriyu's blood was unlike any he had absorbed before. It was thick and potent, its energy crackling like lightning within him. Steven could feel his wounds healing, his strength returning tenfold. He fashioned the beast's blood into a set of armour, its dark, gleaming surface reflecting the strange light of Relicess. The armour was lighter and more flexible than anything he had worn before, yet it felt as strong as steel.

Leaving Oriyu's bloodless corpse behind, Steven continued his journey. The guardian's voice echoed in his mind once more, guiding him toward his next challenge.

"The time has come to face Kyriu, the source of your master's power."

Steven's heart raced at the mention of Kyriu. He had heard stories of the creature's legendary strength, and now he would face it himself. The forest gave way to a vast, open plain, where a solitary mountain loomed in the distance. At its base, a massive, serpentine figure coiled around a stone altar, its scales shimmering in the dim light.

Kyriu was an awe-inspiring sight. Its body was covered in iridescent scales that shifted colours with every movement, and its eyes burned with an ancient, malevolent intelligence. The creature uncoiled and rose to its full height, towering over Steven like a living monolith.

Steven took a deep breath and readied his sword. The battle with Oriyu had prepared him for this moment, but he knew that Kyriu would be an even greater challenge. The two combatants stared at each other for a moment, sizing each other up, before the fight began.

Kyriu struck first, its massive tail whipping through the air with blinding speed. Steven barely managed to dodge the attack, feeling the rush of wind as the tail passed inches from his head. He countered with a flurry of strikes, his sword clanging against Kyriu's armoured scales. The creature seemed unfazed, its eyes glowing with a cold, calculating fury.

The battle raged on, each clash of sword and scale sending shockwaves through the air. Steven fought with every ounce of strength he had, but Kyriu was relentless. Its attacks were precise and devastating, forcing Steven to constantly adapt and stay on the defensive.

As the fight wore on, Steven began to feel the weight of his exhaustion. His movements grew slower, his strikes less powerful. Kyriu, sensing its opponent's weakness, pressed its advantage, driving Steven back with a series of powerful blows. 

Steven stumbled and fell to one knee, his breath ragged and his vision blurred. Kyriu loomed over him, its jaws opening wide to deliver the killing blow. In that moment of despair, Steven remembered Martin's teachings—the mental exercises, the power of Dest, and the strength that lay within him.

With a roar of defiance, Steven channelled all his remaining energy into a final, desperate attack. He surged to his feet and drove his sword into Kyriu's chest, the blade piercing through its scales and into its heart. The creature let out a deafening roar, its body convulsing as the life drained from it.

Kyriu's blood poured from the wound, and Steven absorbed it into his core. The power that surged through him was unlike anything he had ever felt. It was raw, primal, and overwhelming. He could feel his wounds healing, his strength returning tenfold.

Steven used Kyriu's blood to fashion a katana, its blade sharp and gleaming with an otherworldly light. He also created a suit of armour, its scales as strong as steel and as light as air. The armour fit him perfectly, its iridescent surface reflecting the strange light of Relicess.

As Steven stood over Kyriu's lifeless body, he felt a sense of satisfaction and purpose. He had faced two of the most powerful creatures in Relicess and emerged victorious. But he knew that his journey was far from over. The ultimate challenge still lay ahead.

The guardian's voice echoed in his mind once more. "You are now ready to face Hector, the lord of Relicess. Prepare yourself, for the battle will be unlike any you have faced before."

Steven nodded, his resolve steeled by the battles he had fought and the power he had gained. With his new katana and armour, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The path to greatness was fraught with danger, but he was ready to meet it head-on.

As he continued his journey through Relicess, Steven's thoughts turned to Martin. He wondered what his master had faced in this realm and what sacrifices he had made to protect their world. With each step, Steven felt a deeper connection to his master and a greater sense of responsibility to fulfill his destiny.

The landscape of Relicess seemed to shift around him, the colours growing more vibrant and the air more charged with energy. Steven knew that the final battle was approaching, and he was ready to face it with the strength of his mind, body, and spirit.

The journey was far from over, but Steven was determined to see it through to the end. With the power of Dest within him and the guidance of the guardian, he was ready to face Hector and bring light to the darkness of Relicess.