
Another Chained One!

As Steven approached Falcon's Roost, the city was alive with frantic energy. The fortified walls were lined with knights and guards, all preparing for the impending attack. He could hear the clash of metal, the shouts of orders, and the buzz of anticipation in the air.

Passing through the gates, Steven was stopped by a knight.

"State your business," the knight demanded, his eyes scanning Steven's face with suspicion.

"I'm here to help defend the city," Steven replied, his voice steady and calm.

The knight nodded and allowed him to pass. As Steven made his way through the bustling streets, he overheard snippets of conversations among the townsfolk and the soldiers.

"They say a strong general of the royal army has arrived," one knight said to another. "Specializes in Aqua Dale—can summon tsunamis out of thin air."

"Lady Elena, right? She's supposed to be one of the strongest Dale users in the kingdom."

"Yes, with her here, we might have a chance."

Steven absorbed this information as he continued towards The Gilded Feather, the inn where he had stayed previously. The familiar face of the innkeeper greeted him with a mix of relief and concern.

"Blood Lord! You've returned," the innkeeper said, his voice tinged with worry. "Is it true? Another attack?"

"Yes," Steven replied. "It's true. We need to be ready."

The innkeeper nodded, his expression grave. "We'll do what we can. The knights are preparing as we speak."

Suddenly, Steven felt a chill run down his spine. A familiar, sinister presence washed over him, but it was quickly replaced by another, more comforting one. Another Dest user.

He whispered to himself, "Could it be?"

Without another word, Steven dashed out of the inn, following the presence. He found himself in a narrow alley, where he spotted a small child standing alone, looking lost and frightened. The child looked up, locking eyes with Steven.

"I am Sid, big brother," the child said, his voice trembling. "It's hard... I can't use it properly."

Steven's heart ached as he saw himself reflected in the helpless child. He knelt, placing a reassuring hand on Sid's shoulder. "You're not alone anymore. Follow me, and I'll help you."

Tears welled up in Sid's eyes, but he held them back. "Will they come for me again, big brother?"

Steven's resolve hardened. "Not if I can help it."

He led Sid back to The Gilded Feather, where the innkeeper greeted them with a warm smile. "This one's on the house for our saviour," he said, setting down a hearty meal for Sid.

Sid looked up at Steven, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, big brother."

As the night fell, the tension in Falcon's Roost grew palpable. Steven sat with Sid in the common room, his mind racing with thoughts of the impending battle and the responsibility that now lay on his shoulders. He had to protect this city, its people, and this small child who had come to rely on him.

The sound of trumpets echoed through the streets, signalling the arrival of the royal army. Steven stood, ready to face whatever came next. The storm was coming, and he would be the shield that stood between the innocent and the darkness.

The gates of Falcon's Roost opened with a resounding creak, and the royal army marched in with disciplined precision. At their head was a tall, imposing woman with a regal bearing and eyes as sharp as a hawk's. Her armour gleamed in the fading light, and her presence commanded immediate respect.

Steven watched as she approached, recognizing her from the knights' descriptions. Lady Elena, the Aqua Dale user.

"Form up!" she barked, and the soldiers quickly fell into line. Her gaze swept over the crowd, landing on Steven. She approached him, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"You must be The Blood Lord," she said. "I've heard of your deeds. The city owes you a great debt."

Steven nodded. "I'm here to help."

Elena's expression softened slightly. "Good. We need all the help we can get. The Villes are relentless, but with you and your... unique abilities, we might just stand a chance."

As the preparations continued, Steven felt the ominous presence of the Villes growing stronger. He knew the battle would be fierce, but he was ready to face it head-on.