End Badly Either Way

"Perhaps you should attend," Horace excitedly continued, not realizing how rapidly Amelia's face had turned pale. "I think I have an invitation here somewhere…"

He dug through the pockets of his coat, and soon enough, he pulled out a small, vanilla-scented envelope, identical to the one Matteo and Ronan had showed her just last night.

"O-Oh no…" Amelia said, laughing awkwardly as she shook her head. "I really shouldn't."

What was she going to do when she showed up anyway? It didn't seem like Horace knew that she was the same Amelia that his granddaughter's fiancé supposedly was having a romantic affair with, and Amelia wasn't sure if she should even bring up the matter. Perhaps he hadn't seen the news yet, since the rumors of her affair were only circulating in the celebrity tabloids.