Invasion of Privacy

"My life is over!" Emmeline Hawthorne wailed into her pillows, her hair in a disheveled mess as big fat tears streamed down her cheeks. Her dressing, normally impeccable, was now creased and wrinkled, but she paid it no mind, choosing to stifle her face back into her pillows as though she was hiding from the world. 

Annalise's heart ached for her only daughter. Her precious princess didn't deserve such a future. 

"I want to die!" Emmeline screamed into her pillows. "I don't want to live anymore!"

"No, darling, don't be foolish!" Annalise quickly said, enveloping her daughter in a hug. "It will all blow over soon, just you see!"

"It will not!" Emmeline shrieked, raising her head to glare at her mother through tear-stricken eyes. "I'm ruined! How can I live knowing that everyone has seen my nudes?!"