Crooked Vendor

"The agreement was that you hit all the red balloons within the first round of given shots," the vendor said. He eyed Matteo, who stood behind Amelia. "We didn't agree that someone else could assist you."

"That's right!" Emmeline agreed loudly. She was this close to flinging her hands up into the air in anger. How could Matteo willingly plaster himself to Amelia's back, helping her to shoot? This was a blatantly unfair advantage and it caused Emmeline to lose focus, missing her shots. 

"If I had Matteo assisting me from the very beginning, I would have beaten you before you even managed to shoot 5 balloons down. It's not fair that you got help from Matteo― that just shows that you're incapable of winning on your own!"

Matteo let out a low warning growl, causing Emmeline to take an instinctive step back. 

"Let's not kid ourselves," Matteo said with a dismissive snort. "Your lack of skill is so apparent that not even I would be able to salvage your score."