Lost in Snow

Matteo squinted his eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of color in the sea of white. His feet sunk into the deep snow, making the climb harder than it needed to be. 

"Amelia!" Matteo screamed out, cupping his mouth with his hands so that his desperate call would travel further. He strained his ears, hoping to hear her reply. However, it was futile. His voice was swallowed by the flurry of snow, and he could hear nothing but the howling wind. 

"Amelia!" He called out again, but just like before, there was no answer. His fingers protested, now a bright red at being exposed to the harsh winds, and he reluctantly tucked them into the pockets of his jacket, allowing them to rest in the meager warmth provided. 

It had been excessively foolish to rush out without ensuring he was properly geared up. But with Amelia's life hanging by a thread that steadily frayed with every single second that passed, his own well-being had taken a back seat.