Dress Fitting

"Come," Jenna urged. 

The second Amelia and Matteo stepped into the room, she closed the door shut with a flourish. Instantly, the world felt quieter and more serene without the other couple on the other side. Internally, Jenna prayed that there was even an 'other side' for her to return to, given how one was drunk and the other acted like she wished she was.

"Each gown I make tells a different story," Jenna said as she led Amelia to a row of dresses. 

She pushed an empty rack in front, and every time she passed one that caught her eye, she would pull it out from the stash and add it to the rack. Slowly but surely, the rack was filled with dresses of all cuts and designs.

"Tell me more about yourself," Jenna continued. "That way, we will be able to pick the best dress for you."

Amelia and Matteo exchanged a look before a small confused smile curved Amelia's lips.