Abandoned II

Amelia jumped back in shock, sucking in a sharp gasp of air as her blood went cold. A scream hovered at the edge of her lips, threatening to rip if it weren't for the fact that the person who landed in front of her had moved, groaning. 

Upon a closer look, Amelia realized that it was none other than Carlo, his blond hair an absolute mess as he struggled to sit back up. 

"Carlo!" Amelia cried out in surprise, immediately bending down to help him up. "Are you alright?" 

At first, Carlo said nothing, merely hissing in pain as he wiped at his own bloodied lip. Then, when his eyes landed on Amelia's face, his scowl deepened. He easily shrugged her off despite his injuries, instantly regretting his decision to do so when the action caused a jolt of pain to rush through his body. 

"Don't touch me," he growled in warning.