The Doctor Next Door

The table fell into solemn silence, which was only broken due to the knock on the front door. Dimitri opened it to reveal a man with long brown hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a cat print jacket and wheeling a suitcase.

Amelia stared, boggled. At such an early hour, the bright yellow of his jacket seemed to burn her irises. Was this a new visitor that got lost? 

"Dimitri, where is the patient?" the man asked, peering past him to look. "What's the emergency?"

This was the doctor? Suddenly, Amelia felt like she should haul her father to the hospital, objections be damned. Her father also seemed hesitant. Maybe this was Dimitri's plot all along, to convince her father he needed to seek professional treatment by getting someone so blatantly strange to take a look at him.

If it worked, Dimitri was a genius and she would never doubt his plans. 

"Your socks are mismatched," Dimitri replied instead, and he stepped aside to let him in.