Heard The News

The doctors and nurses continued to scurry around, busy with their own tasks, while the two of them stood shell-shocked at the announcement. 

A curse escaped Amelia's lips. She couldn't believe her ears. Beside her, Ronan's face had darkened tremendously. 

As if to add insult to injury, the news program helpfully broadcasted the footage of Matteo leaving his office, never mind that he had worn an entirely different outfit and he was supposed to be at the Montgomery mansion. The newscaster continued to speak, claiming that the shareholders were much more relieved that a new CEO with a cleaner reputation was taking the helm, and then the news began to talk about Matteo's ruined wedding, with fresh footage from the banquet hall.

"Come on, let's go," Ronan said, pulling Amelia away from the screens. She was forced to tear her eyes away from her grandfather's collapsing figure, slowed down for dramatic effect. "We don't need a replay of that clusterfuck."