A Syringe & Some Tea

"What do you need this for?" Isaac asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion as Aiden fiddled with the syringe and needle.

He had knocked on Isaac's door in the middle of the night, practically begging the latter for a syringe meant to draw blood. At first, Isaac was confused. But Aiden was desperate enough to promise even thousands of dollars for this measly equipment that Isaac decided it wasn't too much trouble to put on a shirt and head downstairs to his clinic to grab one for Aiden.

"No particular reason," Aiden replied with a shrug as he pocketed the unsealed equipment, flashing Isaac a bright smile. "Thanks. It's a bitch to find a store open at this hour selling this."

"You tell me," Isaac muttered under his breath. "Does this creepily odd behavior of yours have something to do with Amelia?"

Aiden stilled at the name.

"Did she tell you anything?"

"Ah ha!" Isaac said. "So it does have something to do with Amelia."