
Unfortunately, Caleb Walton wasn't a complete imbecile. Matteo stared down at the unconscious thugs with disdain as the police officers cuffed and took them away. His knuckles were bruised and bloody, and his muscles burned at the impromptu workout. Aiden wasn't faring much better; he had overestimated himself in the fight and had gotten punched in the face for good measure. 

At least they have handled the scouts before they could report anything back to Caleb. 

"That bastard hired mercenaries," Aiden hissed angrily. "That fucker has really gone off the rails!"

After all, it was one thing to hire random thugs, bodyguards, or security officers. For Caleb Walton to straight up dig into underground society to hire mercenaries for a kidnapping― clearly it showed that he was planning to take down as many rescuers as he could!