Sighting in Serafield

Will Walton marched straight for Amelia, his hand raised to hit her the second he got close enough.

"You worthless bitch!" he screamed, quickly drawing the attention of everyone else present in the hallway.

However, he didn't have the chance to land the hit he intended. The two police officers stepped forward without Amelia needing to even dodge. One of them used their own body to block Amelia from harm while the other caught Will Walton's arm in midair, holding it in place.

"Please mind yourself, Mr. Walton," the police officer said. "Need I remind you that intending physical harm upon another is a crime?"

Will Walton merely glared at the cops before roughly shrugging his arm out of the officer's grip. He turned his fierce gaze back onto Amelia, anger brimming in his eyes and venom coating his words.