Dorm Representative

All five players stood up and their faces turned to the rest of the players looking at them. There were no doubts and no complaints from the other players after seeing their main line-up. But there were still some of them who were puzzled by the coach's decision to favour Garnett over other more experienced players. Although there was no further explanation from the coach, for now, they just left the final decision to him and did not have the power to argue.

Kein and Damian both clapped along with the other players. They both seemed happy to witness what was supposed to happen, especially Kein. It was obvious how the impact of the captain's private training had guided him thus far.

Although their closeness as teammates seemed harmonious, but since knowing what Kein needed, the captain put down his selfishness to give all his knowledge and experience to his younger brother. They are like siblings from Davies' perspective.