Teamwork Session

After they finished warming up, they regrouped and ran the shuttle run three times from one side of the field to the other. This was a very tiring run for those who had never worked on their stamina like Damian. Because they would stop at one point then return to the original point, and continue to the leading point repeatedly until they reached the other side of the field.

It took a while but many of them asked the coach for a short break. Three minutes are given to them and they begin the training that will be implemented from today.

"Alright, now we'll start on how you can connect your thoughts with your partner. Firstly, make two lines extending backward. It doesn't matter which player is next to you. Since there are an odd number of us, the rotation will keep changing and from there you can understand what your partner is like when passing or receiving the ball. Make a quick pass with your body facing your mate. Okay, here we go!"