Medical Test

Leading the front row, the coach walked over and opened the tightly closed door in front of him. It wasn't heavy but he used both hands and channelled a bit of his energy for free. Kein right behind the captain immediately assumed wildly.

'Is the door really heavy or is the coach weak?'

A punch would have been thrown in his face if Coach Marlon had heard that ridiculous question. Now that he was in the middle of the room divider, his hand spontaneously grabbed one of the double doors, attempting to pull it with little effort at first.

'Bastard. I was made helpless before this wooden inanimate object... wait, it's not wooden?' Kein knocked on the door three times to check the base material. The sound, which was filtering but faint, screeched in his ears and he decided to move away and enter the room.

'It's not iron but it's very solid. What is this damn thing made of?'