Room 305

"Never mind. The hotel is indeed an attractive place for travellers. I've passed by this hotel many times but never entered it. Maybe this is a good time to try out all the facilities. YAHOO!"


A loud, threatening voice came from behind. He immediately stopped his steps because he knew who the figure calling his name was.

"Everyone, before we go into the hotel, I have something to say about your roommates. Since I don't know who you want to room with, we'll decide from here." Coach Marlon ordered as he looked around, there was no sign of other customers so there was no problem discussing in the open.

Then they began to discuss amicably and without any coercion. Kein did not seem to care who he slept with at the hotel this time, as long as it was not Justin Carter who had hit him some time ago. He did not even hesitate to raise his hand and voice his unwillingness if it really happened.