3 vs 1

"There was a formation guilt that Coach Marlon mentioned. It looks like their lineup this time has one or two players who can shoot threes, compared to before."

Anderson was stunned, as he briefly recalled that the formation had been slightly miscalculated because the player was still unknown.

"Did you get the data wrong, Sherla? I thought they didn't have a player who specializes in three-point shoot." Davies asked, just making sure and there was no intention to blame.

"I'm not wrong. I just didn't record their players enough. Incidentally, I don't know the player's name because he only played this year. I don't know anything about him and his abilities either."

What a mysterious person.

"Or he might be a first-year student? Sometimes we can't tell age by face these days. It's only natural that you don't have anything about him if he only joined Young Bourg this year."