Unexpected Visitors

As the semester wore on, Ji-ae's schedule became more hectic, but she found joy in her relationship with Min-jun and her close friendship with Soo-min. One Friday evening, as Ji-ae was packing her bag to leave the university, Min-jun appeared, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Guess what?" he said, his eyes twinkling.

"What?" Ji-ae asked, intrigued.

"My parents are out of town this weekend, and I was thinking we could have a little get-together at my place. Just us, some friends, and a lot of food."

"That sounds like fun!" Ji-ae replied, her spirits lifting at the thought of spending more time with Min-jun and their friends.

Min-jun leaned in, whispering, "And we can watch that new movie you've been dying to see."

Ji-ae's heart fluttered. "I'm in. Should we invite Soo-min?"

"Of course," Min-jun said. "What's a party without our favorite bundle of energy?"

That evening, Ji-ae, Min-jun, and Soo-min gathered at Min-jun's luxurious apartment. The place was tastefully decorated, reflecting his family's wealth, but it felt warm and welcoming. Ji-ae admired the modern furniture and the large windows that offered a stunning view of the city skyline.

"Wow, Min-jun, your place is amazing!" Soo-min exclaimed, her eyes wide with awe.

Min-jun shrugged modestly. "Thanks. Make yourselves at home."

They spent the evening cooking together, their laughter filling the apartment. Ji-ae and Soo-min chopped vegetables while Min-jun handled the grill. They joked about their cooking skills—or lack thereof—and Ji-ae felt a deep sense of happiness.

"Ji-ae, can you pass me the salt?" Min-jun asked, his hand outstretched.

Ji-ae grabbed the salt and playfully sprinkled some on Min-jun's head. "There you go!"

Min-jun laughed, shaking his head like a dog. "Hey! You'll pay for that!"

Soo-min giggled, joining in on the fun. "I think Ji-ae's trying to add some extra flavor to you, Min-jun."

As they ate dinner, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about their classes, shared funny stories, and even debated over which movie to watch.

"I still think we should watch the horror movie," Soo-min insisted. "It's not that scary!"

"No way," Ji-ae said, shaking her head. "I won't be able to sleep for a week."

Min-jun leaned back in his chair, smirking. "How about a compromise? We watch the horror movie first, and then a comedy to lighten the mood."

"Deal," Ji-ae and Soo-min said in unison, bursting into laughter.

Later, as the horror movie played, Ji-ae found herself clinging to Min-jun's arm. Soo-min, who claimed not to be scared, had her eyes half-covered. Min-jun, enjoying the moment, took the opportunity to tease them both.

"Are you sure you're okay, Soo-min?" he asked, a playful grin on his face.

"I'm fine," Soo-min replied, her voice trembling slightly. "Just... watching through my fingers."

Ji-ae couldn't help but laugh. "At least we're all scared together."

When the movie ended, they quickly switched to a lighthearted comedy, the tension melting away as they laughed at the antics on screen. Ji-ae felt a warmth spread through her as she leaned against Min-jun, Soo-min on her other side. They shared popcorn, tossing kernels at each other playfully, and Ji-ae couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun.

As the night grew later, Min-jun brought out a deck of cards, suggesting they play a few rounds of their favorite card games. Ji-ae and Soo-min eagerly agreed, and the three of them spent the next couple of hours engaged in friendly competition, complete with teasing and playful banter.

"Ha! I win again!" Soo-min declared triumphantly, laying down her cards with a flourish.

"You must be cheating," Min-jun accused, narrowing his eyes in mock suspicion. "No one is that lucky."

Soo-min stuck her tongue out at him. "Just admit that I'm the card game champion."

Ji-ae laughed at their antics, feeling a deep sense of camaraderie. "Alright, Soo-min, you're the champion. But don't get too cocky, or we'll have to knock you off your throne."

As the evening drew to a close, Min-jun walked Ji-ae and Soo-min to the door. "Thanks for tonight, Min-jun," Ji-ae said, smiling up at him. "I had a great time."

"Me too," Soo-min added. "We should do this again."

Min-jun nodded. "Definitely. Good night, you two."

Ji-ae and Soo-min walked back to their dorm, their hearts light with the joy of friendship and the promise of love. They talked and laughed about the events of the evening, recounting their favorite moments and teasing each other about their reactions during the horror movie.

As Ji-ae lay in bed that night, she thought about how lucky she was to have such wonderful people in her life. She reflected on the day, the laughter, the closeness she felt with Min-jun, and the deepening bond with Soo-min. The evening had been perfect, filled with happiness and the kind of moments she would treasure forever.

Ji-ae drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face, unaware of the challenges and changes that lay ahead. For now, her world was filled with warmth, love, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship.