The Journey

When Emily left to go plan with her friends for the journey the next day, I sat outside with Ava.

"I'm going to miss you Levi". She sobbed and hugged me.

Her tears soaked through my clothes very quickly.

"I know, I will miss you too". I replied.

"Don't go". She sobbed.

I raised her chin and turned to look at her. "I wish I could Ava, I really wish but the emperor can't be disobeyed".

"I know". She muttered and sniffed.

"If this is our last day together for a while, we shouldn't spend it crying, we should spend it loving each other". I said and got to my feet, I pulled her up too.

She walked behind me silently as I entered the room to comfort her.


The next morning I didn't go to the farm to do my chores, I sat in the room, I had packed my meager luggage and I waited for the afternoon when I would go to Emily's house.

The plan was simple, when I got to Emily's house, I'd meet her there with four other friends. They were also mages and would be making the journey with us.

As soon as I got there, we would set off for the palace.

I stood up and paced the room, I still couldn't believe how fast things were moving.

In the afternoon, my door slid open and Ava's face poked through the doorway.

"It's time". She said.

I nodded and wordlessly picked up my load and headed outside.

We barely talked throughout the walk to Emily's house, each one of us was preoccupied with thoughts.

I watched Ava as she walked silently beside me, last night we'd kissed most of the night and it was early in the morning before we finally had two passionate rounds.

I wasn't worried for myself, I knew I was going to meet plenty new women at the palace, but i was worried for her, she was bound to be lonely.

Unless she finds someone. The voice in my head said.


After some moments of walking we pushed open Emily's gate and walked in.

"Hey Ava, hey Levi!" Emily greeted cheerily as we entered, every eyes in the compound to us.

Other than Emily, there were three other people in the compound. A tall gangly guy with his hair excessively gelled back, A muscular guy about my height and a very beautiful girl.

She was tall for a girl, her slim legs seemed to extend forever and it ended at a slim waist. Her face was dainty and pointed and her long hair reached her waist. She had a look of disdain on her face but it didn't make her look ugly, instead it added to her beauty somehow.

She regarded me with those cold piercing eyes of hers and I suddenly decided I didn't like her very much.

Beauty is a very nice attribute to have but what is beauty without a good attitude? It is like a nice looking house with a well trimmed lawn, then you enter and see unpainted walls, a broken down ceiling and moldy pipes. Nobody wants that.

I looked away from her instantly but as I looked I caught the shocked expression on her face, I smirked, it seemed she wasn't used to people not paying her attention.

Emily rushed to hug me, then she hugged Ava.

She dragged us to meet the three people. "Guys, these are my school mates, Aaron, Liam and Zoe.

"Guys, these are my friends, Levi and Ava".

Only Liam greeted us, the other two looked at us with disinterest.

"Yeah whatever". Aaron said. "We have to start going now if we don't want to be stuck at the serpent's pass by night".

"That's true". Emily said. "Now that Levi is here, we can leave now".

"Wait, how about sitting arrangements". Zoe said. "We have two carriages and the most they can take is three people, so one carriage will have space for extra load".

"Cool". Liam replied. "I'm sitting wherever Zoe sits".

"Me too". Aaron said and they glared at each other.

I stared at them in wonder. It was easy to see why Zoe acted with disdain, the three boys must have been fighting over her and trying to impress her all the while they were there. I wasn't a girl but even I would be annoyed by it.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Whatever". She walked up to a carriage. "I'm going in this one, it's the best one".

Aaron rushed to stand beside her. "I'm going here". He said breathlessly.

"Me too". Liam yelled and ran to join them.

I shook my head and walked to stand by Emily.

Emily beamed. "I guess I'll go with Levi and the extra load then".

I looked at the three friends and Zoe's smug smile had disappeared and she glared at me in frustration. I smiled as I could tell what she was thinking.

She was annoyed I wasn't simping for her like the other guys.

Zoe suddenly smiled brightly again and walked to join Emily and I. "I've changed my mind, I'll go with these ones". She said and stood beside me.

The two boys' mouths dropped to the ground, they couldn't believe what they just saw.

"Hey that's not fair, I wanna go with you guys too then". Aaron yelled.

"It's not possible". Emily said. "Three passengers max, remember?"

Aaron and Liam looked at each other in shock, then in annoynace.

"You chased her away!" Aaron yelled and poked Liam.

"Hey, it wasn't me, it was you!" Liam said and poked him back.

"Okay okay, that's enough". Emily said and came in between them. "We have to go now".

I went to Ava and hugged her one last time. Then despite the whole privacy thing, I couldn't resist, I kissed her passionately.

As Ava turned to go, I went back to Emily and Zoe. Emily's face had clouded.

"What was that for?" She asked crossly.

I feigned ignorance. "Oh that? It just kinda happened, heat of the moment, I guess". I chuckled nervously.

Emily shook her head and marched off into the cart in annoyance.

I caught Zoe staring at me like she wanted to figure me out but couldn't.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped.

She looked away and went into the carriage. I sighed and climbed in after them.

It was almost evening already, we started the journey to the palace.