One directional wind slam

I let the mama flow down my arms till it coated the fan.

"Good". Master Jared said as he walked round making sure we had all gotten it.

"Now, transfer the bulk of your mana to one side of the fan, preferably the side facing away from you". He said.

I tried to push the mana to the side of the fan but I couldn't, I looked up and saw that a few of the students had gotten it, while others like struggled with it.

Mates Jared walked through the mages, correcting individuals that hadn't gotten it and praising the ones who did.

"No, you don't force it, you let it seep into the other side then you hold it back so it doesn't leave". He said to one boy in front of me who was also struggling with the technique.

He looked at me and saw that I hadn't gotten the technique, his lips pressed into a thin line but he said nothing.

Soon almost all the class had been able to transfer the mana to one side except me and one other guy.

Master Jared motioned for us to come forward and raised his fan. "Watch what I'm about to do and tell me if you think it's cool". He said.

I nodded in confusion, I could feel the eyes of the class burning into the back of my head and I prayed it wasn't something embarrassing about to happen.

Master Jared raised his fan, he coated it in mana then transferred the mana to one side, he then swung his fan out in a sweeping motion at the small tree beside us. A blast of wind left the fan and slammed into the tree, knocking it cleanly off the ground and lifting it a few feet away.

Master jared stared at the uprooted tree and rubbed his forehead. "Huh, I guess I used too much force, I didn't want to uproot it".

The class stared at the uprooted tree in amazement, he had barely flicked his fan and it generated enough power to knock it off.

Master Jared looked at us. "Do you think that was cool?"

I nodded, the guy also nodded.

Master Jared smiled tightly. "I thought as much, now look you two, you can also do that and much more". He paused and leaned into us. "But first you need to learn to transfer your mana to one side of the fan".

"It's up to you to decide how badly you want this". He said and walked to the front of the class. "Until every student has master mana transfer, I can't teach you the one directional wind slam".

The class groaned and I could feel their angry stares at me and the guy.

Master Jared turned to us. "So what do you say guys, are you going to let down your teammates?"

I shook my head firmly, I wasn't going to let them down but it wasn't even about them, it was about me, I'd dreamed about magic for as long as I could remember and I wasn't going to give up now.

"Good, now transfer the mana to the other side of the fan". Master Jared said.

"He can't do it". I heard one of the boys whisper to his friend.

Anger burned through me and I raised my fan, controlling the mana down my arm into the fan, it coated the two sides and I tried hard to move the mana to one side but it wouldn't budge.

The other got it and triumphantly went to join the rest of the class.

"Let's just get rid of this loser". The boy who whispered earlier said out loud and the class giggled.

The anger grew in my chest and I desperately wanted to prove to him that I wasn't a loser, that I was actually able to be a mage. Maybe I wanted to prove it to myself as well.

"How do I use vortex?" I muttered.

[Vortex, to activate vortex, channel the mana to the tip of your finger or weapon and roll it in an anti clockwise motion, then shove it with all the force you have]

I snarled and directed the mana to the edges of the fan, I pointed it at the boy and began to move my hand in an anti clockwise motion. Master Jared's eyes widened as he realized what I was doing but it was too late, the vortex grew in my hand and I shoved it at the boy.

The vortext left the fan and headed for the boy at great speed but master Jared jumped in front of it and deflected the air, a huge gust of wind blew at the entire class.

The mages had gone silent, even the boy had stopped smiling as he realized what could have just happened to him if master Jared didn't interfere.

Master Jared's eyes were stern as he stepped up to me. "Where did you learn that?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"I watched my friend do it and I just tried it". I lied smoothly.

"That's a two star attack. Master Jared said. You shouldn't have been able to do it.

The class gasped when they heard I used a higher level attack.

A look of respect and admiration entered master Jared's eyes but it was quickly replaced with a stern look. "You shouldn't do level two attacks again, you don't have the capacity to control it and you could have easily hurt everybody here".

I nodded sheepishly

"To use the vortex, you transferred the mana to the edge of the fan". He said.

I nodded.

"So you can transfer to the edge which is much harder but you can't transfer to the side?" He asked in surpise.

I shrugged.

"Okay let's try this then, first transfer it to the edge then transfer it to the side". He replied.

I inhaled deeply and did as he said, I moved the mana to the edge, then I slowly guided it to the side, this time it worked and I smiled triumphantly.

Master Jared smiled. "You really are something special". Then he dismissed me and went to the front of the class.

"Okay now that everyone has mastered the first step, let's practice our sweeping motion".

It turned out transferring mana to the side was the hardest part, the sweeping was more about controlling the amount of force you used. By the end of the training, we had all mastered the one directional wind slammed.

Master watched the sun in the middle of the sky and wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead. "That will be all today class, you're dismissed now, go to your various duty places".