
The floor of the throne room was a work of art itself. Tiny marble tiles spread out before me, they were colored red and in the dim light of the throne room, they glowed slightly.

The walls of the throne room rose up, their surfaces adorned with numerous paintings , each a vivid portrayal of the kingdom's history.

The murals depicted the triumphs of the emperor. Scenes of great battles, legendary hunts, and solemn coronations were all depicted in the paintings but I knew I didn't have the time to stare at them.

I looked away and fixed my gaze on the throne ahead me.

At the far end of the chamber, a massive throne stood. 

It's seat laid with the an expensive looking  velvet cushion embroidered with intricate patterns.

At the top of the throne, two miniature lions, carved from the finest marble, stood sentinel, fixing their fierce gaze on all who approached the emperor.