Chapter 16: Falling into the Mysterious Abyss

The fierce battle ended, and Xiao Chen was covered in wounds. It was the first time he had engaged in such an intense life-and-death struggle. Without the powerful Chaotic Divine Sword, the outcome of the battle would have been uncertain.

Dragging his tired and injured body, Xiao Chen walked out of the forest and arrived at a small river. He washed himself briefly before sitting down by the river to cultivate.

"The injuries are not light this time. I feel so tired, my whole body is sore. It's a pity I don't have any healing pills or pills to replenish my true essence. I don't know how long it will take to recover fully!" Xiao Chen sighed, deciding to learn alchemy as soon as possible. Pills have powerful effects on healing and restoring true essence.

Xiao Chen's cultivation had not yet reached the Fasting Stage, so he couldn't inspect his injuries internally. He could only guess that his injuries were severe.

"In the end, my strength is still too weak! I almost died just now!" Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, shaking his head helplessly, feeling a renewed passion for cultivation surge within him.

If others knew that Xiao Chen, at the age of 12, had reached the Early Heart Movement Stage and could kill a mid-stage Heart Movement cultivator, they would be shocked to the core.

Of course, this situation isn't impossible. The Tian Yue Continent is full of strong people and geniuses. The continent's superpowers have deep foundations and can cultivate formidable disciples, though such talents are not seen everywhere.

A few days later, Xiao Chen woke up from his cultivation. After five days of healing, his injuries had fully recovered, and he felt strength surging through his body again.

"Hehe, my cultivation has improved a lot!" Xiao Chen chuckled, a happy smile appearing on his youthful face.

Stretching lazily, Xiao Chen headed to the market. His white clothes were too easy to get dirty, and they had blood on them. He planned to buy a black outfit and, of course, fill his stomach.

"I need to buy some ordinary healing pills and herbs to make Rejuvenation Pills." Xiao Chen muttered to himself, and after the time it took for an incense stick to burn, he arrived at the bustling streets of Shuiyun City.

Currently, Xiao Chen wasn't lacking in spirit stones. He had auctioned a mid-grade spiritual tool and received 500 top-grade spirit stones. Xiao Chen was ecstatic. In Feng Yue City, a spiritual tool would fetch at most 200 top-grade spirit stones, but in Shuiyun City, it fetched 500, which was a huge profit.

Xiao Chen first went to a clothing store to buy a black high-collared long robe. He then filled his stomach, looking like a wealthy man with 56 roasted chickens on the table, eating heartily. The cultivators in the restaurant were all stunned.

The Rejuvenation Pill is the most common pill in the cultivation world of Tian Yue Continent for restoring true essence. The main ingredient is the Rejuvenation Trisurvivor Herb.

The Snow Jade Spirit Pill is also a common healing pill in the cultivation world, with the main ingredient being Snow Jade Ginseng.

These herbs are very common and can be found in deep forests, so they are not expensive and can be bought in Shuiyun City.

Xiao Chen spent one top-grade spirit stone to buy a large amount of Rejuvenation Trisurvivor Herb and Snow Jade Ginseng. Although Xiao Chen had developed soul power, he had never refined pills, so he needed a large amount of herbs to practice.

After spending several days in Shuiyun City, it was time to hit the road again. It was still more than 20 days to Tian Du, a very long journey for Xiao Chen, so he had to hurry.

Dressed in a black high-collared long robe, Xiao Chen left Shuiyun City. Before him lay another series of continuous mountain ranges.

Xiao Chen enjoyed traveling through the complex mountains, as it trained his agility and reflexes, which was also a form of cultivation.

Three days later, Xiao Chen had lost count of how many mountains he had crossed. He hadn't eaten grass and bark in these days but enjoyed wild game and fruits.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was chewing on roasted rabbit meat, eating with great relish, as he swiftly moved through the trees without any hindrance.

"If I could fly, the journey to Tian Du might be cut in half. But flying isn't easy. One must reach the Golden Core Stage and comprehend the skill of flying. When I reach Tian Du, I'll work hard to cultivate, hoping to break through to the Golden Core Stage as soon as possible." Xiao Chen thought happily, a naive smile appearing on his face.

"Huh? There seems to be a deep abyss ahead!" As Xiao Chen was swiftly moving, he suddenly noticed a huge abyss blocking his path.

Xiao Chen came to a large tree at the edge of the abyss and looked out, immediately taken aback, his heart pounding.

"Wow! This abyss is huge! I shouldn't have taken the wrong path. How could there be such a massive abyss?" Xiao Chen exclaimed, seeing a pitch-black abyss the size of a football field, impossible to cross.

Xiao Chen looked around but couldn't find a way to cross the abyss, leaving him at a loss.

"Forget it, I'll have to go around." Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly. Even if there was a bridge, he wouldn't dare cross it. If it broke, he'd be done for.


However, just as Xiao Chen was about to turn and change direction, a huge roar suddenly came from the abyss below, startling him.

"Wow! Ah~~~" Xiao Chen, who had just jumped, was so frightened that he lost his balance and began to fall. Despite his frantic attempts to grab a branch, it was too late. He screamed in panic, his heart filled with fear.

"It's over. What was that sound just now? Could it be a monster? If I fall down, I'm done for. I just escaped being a waste. My great revenge is unfulfilled; I can't die like this." Xiao Chen thought anxiously. Who knew what kind of monster made that roar? Naturally, at 12 years old, he was scared.

As he fell, everything was pitch black, his hands couldn't see anything, and his body was covered in goosebumps.

"Hmm? What is this aura? It feels so powerful. Could it be... a demon beast? Otherwise, what was that roar just now?" As he fell, Xiao Chen suddenly sensed a powerful aura, leading him to think of the demon beasts he had only heard about but never seen!

The more Xiao Chen thought about it, the more frightened he became. At this moment, he really wished he had the skill to fly and escape. But that was unrealistic; he was only in the Early Heart Movement Stage.