Chapter 27: Repelling Ge Fei

Xiao Chen embarked on his journey of cultivation in the Beast Mountain Range. Accompanied by the ancient white tiger, he constantly battled various powerful beasts, seizing demon cores to enhance his skills. His daily routine consisted of fighting, training, and studying alchemy. When injured, he healed; when hungry, he ate flowers and bark. There was no wild game in the Beast Mountain Range, as it had long been scared away by the beasts. Despite the constant danger, Xiao Chen persevered, undeterred by the risks, as long as he could grow stronger.

Six months passed, during which Xiao Chen rapidly progressed. Through intense training and battles, his cultivation level broke through to the mid-stage of the Fasting realm. His advancement was astonishingly swift, and with the ancient white tiger by his side, Xiao Chen enjoyed the past six months immensely. The ancient white tiger was like a brother to him, sharing both good times and hardships.

Advancing from the mid-stage of the Heart Moving realm to the mid-stage of the Fasting realm within half a year was an extraordinary feat. Anyone who knew this would be astounded. Although his cultivation improved rapidly, Xiao Chen's journey over the past six months was fraught with hardships. He continually battled strong beasts, sustaining numerous injuries, including severe ones that nearly cost him his life. However, these life-and-death experiences made him stronger, culminating in his current state as a Fasting realm cultivator.

A year had passed since he left Fengyue City. Now thirteen years old, Xiao Chen's long hair flowed down his shoulders. He had grown taller and his skin had become tanned, but his body was now stronger, and he had matured into a handsome young man. The childishness on his face gradually faded, replaced by determination, particularly evident in his bright, resolute eyes.

"Little White Tiger, how many beasts have we slain?" At this moment, Xiao Chen was atop a mountain peak deep in the Beast Mountain Range. The little white tiger lay on the ground, with Xiao Chen resting his head on the tiger's body, his legs crossed. They chatted happily, their relationship incredibly close.

Over the past six months, the little white tiger had grown to twice its original size, now three times larger than Xiao Chen. Although the spiritual energy here was unsuitable for the tiger's cultivation, it had nonetheless reached the mid-stage of the Golden Core realm on its own.

Tilting its head, the ancient white tiger said, "Hmm, it seems like we've slain 62 beasts and obtained 30 demon cores, which you have absorbed."

Not all beasts possessed demon cores; weaker ones couldn't condense them. Thus, despite slaying 62 beasts, they only acquired 30 cores.

Xiao Chen laughed joyfully, "Hehe, I didn't expect to kill so many beasts in just half a year. Now my cultivation has reached the mid-stage of the Fasting realm, and I'm not far from the Golden Core realm. Once I break through to the Golden Core realm, I can cultivate the Ghost Shadow Divine Art!"

"Xiao Chen, what kind of person do you think Senior Bahun is?" The ancient white tiger asked curiously. Xiao Chen had long shared the story of Bahun with the tiger, considering it his most important companion, not merely a divine beast.

Xiao Chen shook his head, "I don't know. If it weren't for Senior Bahun, I'd still be a worthless nobody."

"Hehe, whether you're worthless or not, you're still Little White Tiger's best friend," the kind-hearted tiger laughed.

"And you're my most important partner. With you by my side, I'm never lonely; in fact, I'm very happy," Xiao Chen smiled.


Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted their conversation. Xiao Chen immediately reacted, frowning, "Such strong energy. This isn't from a beast, it's a cultivator!"

"Xiao Chen, it seems cultivators are fighting. Let's go check it out!" The ancient white tiger suggested, sensing the presence of two cultivators.

"Alright!" Xiao Chen nodded. He swiftly leaped off the peak, skimming over the tree leaves like a dragonfly touching water, disappearing in a flash. His astonishing speed was far beyond what he could achieve six months ago.

Xiao Chen's current strength was dozens of times greater than before, making any comparison meaningless. Even without practicing any movement techniques, he possessed incredible speed, an extraordinary talent.

In the dense forest, Xiao Chen's figure moved swiftly, like a fish swimming freely in water, disappearing in a few swift movements.

Soon, Xiao Chen arrived at the source of the noise. He saw a middle-aged man holding a sword, threatening another injured man lying on the ground.

"Hand over the Xuan-level martial technique, or I'll kill you!" The tall, lean middle-aged man, dressed in dark grey brocade, his hair in a ponytail, coldly demanded, pointing his sword at the injured man.

The injured man, wearing a black robe, was burly and robust, but now covered in sword wounds and pale-faced. He angrily retorted, "The Xuan-level martial technique is mine. Why should I give it to you?"

"Because my cultivation is higher than yours. Isn't that enough? I don't mind causing you more pain," the man said coldly, his sword piercing the burly man's chest, slowly pushing deeper.

"Ge Fei, you shameless bastard! Using your strength to rob others, what kind of hero are you? I never thought the Ge family would have such a despicable scoundrel!" the burly man cursed, recognizing his assailant.

Ge Fei's face darkened at the words. "I planned to spare your life, but now it seems there's no need," he said coldly.

With that, Ge Fei pulled his sword from the man's chest and swiftly aimed for his throat.

"That guy!" Xiao Chen, hiding behind a large tree, watched with a cold expression. He had concealed his presence completely, so neither man noticed him. Seeing Ge Fei attack, Xiao Chen quickly picked up a stone and flicked it.


The small stone struck Ge Fei's sword, causing a sharp sound and deflecting the blade, interrupting his attack.

"Who's there?" Ge Fei roared, scanning the area as Xiao Chen emerged slowly.

Xiao Chen coldly observed Ge Fei. From their conversation, it was clear that Ge Fei was using his superior strength to rob the burly man's Xuan-level martial technique and intended to kill him.

Sneering at Ge Fei, Xiao Chen said, "Such despicable behavior, you're a disgrace to the Ge family. Bullying the weak, what skill is that? In my eyes, you're worse than trash."

"Brat, who are you? Dare to meddle in my affairs, do you have a death wish?" Ge Fei asked coldly. From Xiao Chen's earlier action of deflecting his sword with a stone, it was clear that the boy had considerable strength, which shocked Ge Fei.

"I interfere in anything I find displeasing. If word of your despicable actions spreads, how will the Ge family handle it? And how will the people of Tiandu mock you?" Xiao Chen sneered, having already assessed Ge Fei's cultivation level at the late stage of the Fasting realm. Despite this, Xiao Chen was unafraid.

The burly man looked at Xiao Chen in astonishment. This wasn't just any boy; his appearance in the depths of the Beast Mountain Range and his ability to deflect Ge Fei's attack with a stone was unbelievable.

Ge Fei's sinister smile turned cold, "Do you think I'll let this news spread? Today, both of you will die!"

With that, Ge Fei quickly activated his true essence, lunging forward with his sword at an incredible speed, aiming at Xiao Chen.

After half a year of rigorous training, Xiao Chen's willpower was now exceptionally strong. Even against a superior opponent, he remained calm.

Quickly drawing the divine sword from his back, Xiao Chen emanated a chilling aura, channeling powerful true essence, and met Ge Fei's attack with a thrust of his own sword.


The two swords clashed with a sharp sound, and a powerful force exploded outward, sending leaves flying in all directions.

Xiao Chen's speed was astonishing. After the initial clash, he immediately bent low, pressing one palm to the ground and swiftly attacking Ge Fei's lower body with his sword.

"What?" Ge Fei's expression changed. He quickly stomped the ground, leaping high into the air and retreating rapidly.

"Perfect opportunity!" Xiao Chen smirked, launching another attack while Ge Fei was still airborne. His divine sword emitted a faint white light as he slashed at Ge Fei.


A white sword beam shot out. Ge Fei's face turned pale with shock. "A sword beam? How is this possible?"



Caught in midair and unable to fly, Ge Fei had no way to dodge Xiao Chen's sword beam. With a loud explosion, the sword beam struck Ge Fei, its immense power causing him to spit a mouthful of blood and be sent flying.

"Is this a dream?" the burly man muttered in shock. The battle had just begun, yet Xiao Chen had already injured Ge Fei. Xiao Chen's actions, from his initial strike to wounding Ge Fei, were seamless and executed with perfect timing, as if everything was under his control.

Ge Fei, severely injured, stared at Xiao Chen in disbelief. "That was definitely a sword beam. This kid is only at the mid-stage of the Fasting realm! A single sword beam seriously injured me. He's even stronger than the young master. How is this possible?"

After a moment of shock, Ge Fei made a quick decision. Glaring angrily at Xiao Chen, he swiftly retreated.