Chapter 35: Signing Up

"That's right! It starts tomorrow. Today is the last day to sign up. How could you not know about such a big event? You must be new to Tiandu," the innkeeper said with a wry smile, shaking his head.

"Brother, where do I sign up?" Xiao Chen asked excitedly, putting down the roast chicken he was about to eat.

"Of course, it's in Tian Frost City at the center of Tiandu. They built the stage a month ago, and many people who are participating in the martial arts tournament are already sparring there. If you want to join, you should hurry. There's not much time left, and you won't be able to sign up if you delay any longer," the innkeeper replied.

"Brother, here! This one's for you. Thank you!" Xiao Chen jumped up immediately, tossing two high-grade crystals to the innkeeper. He grabbed the roast chicken and ran towards Tian Frost City as fast as he could.

As he ran, biting into the roast chicken, he looked like he had stolen it, attracting the attention of many cultivators on the streets. However, no one stopped him.

"Xiao Chen, are you going to participate in the martial arts tournament?" the Ancient White Tiger asked through telepathy.

"Of course! This is a chance to prove myself. I wouldn't miss this opportunity for anything. All the young talents of Tiandu will be there. I have to join!" Xiao Chen replied excitedly, thrilled at the thought of facing the geniuses of Tiandu.

Xiao Chen sprinted towards Tian Frost City, paying no attention to the beautiful scenery of Tiandu. His mind was entirely focused on the martial arts tournament, while the Ancient White Tiger looked around excitedly.

He quickly passed through bustling streets, and half an hour later, Xiao Chen finally arrived at Tian Frost City. The place was packed with people, teeming with activity.

From a distance, Xiao Chen saw two enormous stages where many youths his age were sparring. Crowds gathered around the stages to watch, applauding and cheering at the impressive displays.

"Wow! So many people are participating! I need to hurry and sign up!" Xiao Chen said excitedly. He approached someone and asked, "Uncle, where do I sign up for the martial arts tournament?"

"Over there, next to the stage," a man replied, pointing to a person registering participants.

Xiao Chen quickly ran over and politely said to the registrar, "Hello, I'd like to sign up for the martial arts tournament."

The registrar glanced at Xiao Chen and said with a smile, "Young man, you're late. Registration ended half an hour ago."

"What? It ended half an hour ago? But I thought it starts tomorrow?" Xiao Chen asked anxiously.

"Xiao Chen?" a puzzled voice called out. A burly man approached, and upon seeing Xiao Chen's face, he smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, it really is you! You've grown taller in the past six months!"

"Mo Yan big brother? What are you doing here?" Xiao Chen asked, recognizing the burly man as Mo Yan, whom he had saved in the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

"The tournament starts tomorrow. Of course, I'm here. Are you planning to participate too?" Mo Yan asked, delighted to see his savior.

Xiao Chen nodded, saying, "I wanted to, but I just got here, and they said registration is already closed." His face showed disappointment.

Hearing this, Mo Yan turned to the registrar and said with a hearty laugh, "Brother Liu, let him sign up. Do me this favor. He's my savior and incredibly skilled!"

"Alright, alright, but you owe me for the drinks at Zui Xiang Lou last night," Brother Liu said, looking at Xiao Chen. "Young man, come here to sign up."

"Don't worry, the drinks are on me!" Mo Yan laughed.

"Great! Mo Yan big brother, thank you so much!" Xiao Chen exclaimed joyfully. "I can participate in the tournament now! This is awesome!"

"What's your name? How old are you?" Brother Liu asked.

"My name is Xiao Chen! I'm 14 years old!" Xiao Chen replied with a big smile.

"Alright, you're registered. You'll be in the underage group," Brother Liu said.

Xiao Chen nodded and smiled, "Thank you!"

"Mo Yan, don't forget about the drinks!" Brother Liu reminded as he packed up his things and left.

"I know!" Mo Yan laughed, then looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Xiao Chen, I wouldn't have made it back alive without you saving me!"

"Mo Yan big brother, you're being too polite. You just helped me out too," Xiao Chen replied happily, growing more excited by the minute.

"Xiao Chen, is this your first time participating in the martial arts tournament? Where do you live?" Mo Yan asked.

Xiao Chen nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, it's my first time. But I don't live here. I came from a faraway place called Fengyue City. I came here to train in the Monster Beast Mountain Range."

"Is that so? Coming all the way from Fengyue City is impressive. I admire your determination and courage. It seems your cultivation has improved since your training," Mo Yan said happily. He couldn't gauge Xiao Chen's cultivation level, as there was no energy fluctuation, making Xiao Chen seem like an ordinary teenager who hadn't started cultivating.

"Just a little bit. By the way, Mo Yan big brother, I heard them talking about different groups for the tournament, like the underage group and the adult group. They also mentioned something about Liu Feng being the favorite to win. What's that about?" Xiao Chen asked curiously.

Mo Yan pointed to a stage and explained, "Since you're from Fengyue City, it's normal that you don't know. That stage over there is for the adult group. The most promising candidate to win first place in the adult group is Su Gunyun from the Su family. He's only 16 and already at the Golden Core stage, recognized as the top genius in Tiandu."

"Su Gunyun? What about Su Gutian? Are they related?" Xiao Chen asked, remembering Su Gutian, whom he had met before heading to the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

"Su Gutian is his younger brother. The position of young master originally belonged to Su Gunyun, but he gave it to his brother," Mo Yan explained with a smile.

"I see," Xiao Chen nodded, understanding the situation.

Mo Yan then pointed to another stage and said, "And the other stage is for the underage group, which you're in. Over 100 participants are competing. The young masters of the three major families of Tiandu are all geniuses and contenders for first place. However, the young master of the Liu family, Liu Feng, is relatively stronger and is expected to win. But no one knows the exact strength of the three young masters, so it's all speculation. To ensure fairness, they divided the tournament into two groups due to the significant disparity in strength between adults and minors."

"Late stage of the fasting period? Isn't that weaker than me?" Xiao Chen thought, surprised that the geniuses of Tiandu were actually weaker than him.

Xiao Chen looked at the stage, glancing at the youths sparring, and asked, "Aren't the young masters of the three families here?"

"They're probably training hard right now, aiming to win first place. Naturally, they wouldn't come here to waste time. But don't worry, you're very skilled too. I believe in you," Mo Yan said, smiling and patting Xiao Chen on the shoulder to reassure him.

"Thank you, Mo Yan big brother. I'll do my best," Xiao Chen replied happily, feeling a strong bond with Mo Yan. Besides his father, Xiao Changfeng, and Ba Hun, Mo Yan was the only one who cared for him so deeply.

"Let's go. Now that you've signed up, come back with me and rest well. The tournament has no rest time; it continues until it's over. You can train peacefully here," Mo Yan said, happily leading Xiao Chen away.

"Mo Yan big brother, do you live in Tian Frost City?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes, not far from here," Mo Yan replied with a smile. His tall and sturdy figure made Xiao Chen look like a small sprout next to a tree.

After a few minutes' walk, avoiding the busy streets, they arrived at a small alley with a house about the size of half a basketball court.

"Xiao Chen, this is where I live. Come in," Mo Yan said with a smile.

Entering the courtyard, Xiao Chen saw the simple house but felt a sense of home he had never experienced in the Xiao family.

"Mo Yan big brother, do you live here alone?" Xiao Chen asked, looking around and seeing no one else.

"Hehe, yes, just me. Come inside," Mo Yan said warmly, pulling Xiao Chen into the house.

Mo Yan poured a cup of tea for Xiao Chen, and they chatted happily. During their conversation, Xiao Chen learned that Mo Yan hadn't always been alone. His fiancée had left him due to his poverty, leaving only a note.

Though saddened by the mention of his fiancée, Mo Yan held no grudges, believing it was his own fault. He quickly recovered from the sadness.

"By the way, Mo Yan big brother, has Ge Fei caused you any trouble?" Xiao Chen asked, changing the subject. Ge Fei was the one who had attacked Mo Yan in the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

Mo Yan shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry. In Tiandu, he wouldn't dare touch me. I know a lot of people, even some in the Liu family. But I didn't spread word about Ge Fei's actions. The Ge family is powerful, and I don't want to provoke them."

Xiao Chen nodded, "That's good to hear!"

"Alright, I won't disturb you anymore. The tournament starts tomorrow. Xiao Chen, rest well. The tournament doesn't allow rest until it's over. Train well here," Mo Yan said, leaving the room.

"Okay! Thank you, Mo Yan big brother," Xiao Chen replied happily. He was glad to have Mo Yan as a friend, the first human friend he had made.

"Hmph! Xiao Chen, now that you know Mo Yan, you're ignoring me!" the Ancient White Tiger said unhappily.

Xiao Chen laughed, "I'm sorry. Don't be mad. Alright, I'll train now. The tournament starts tomorrow, and I'm so nervous!"