Chapter 40: Ge Tianming's Defeat

"That kid is actually at the Golden Core stage and has mastered flying skills! Oh my god! This is incredible!"

"It's over! His opponent is at the Golden Core stage, Ge family's young master is sure to lose! That boy flew into the sky, there's no way to hit him!"

"That boy actually flew! Gold… Golden Core stage, unbelievable!" Mo Yan's face was full of shock, his voice trembling, eyes filled with disbelief.

In the pavilion, the three family heads and their experts were equally stunned. They couldn't believe that the young man before them possessed such formidable strength and had even mastered flying skills.

"I really wonder which major force's genius disciple he is. At such a young age, he's already mastered flying skills! But why did he come to such a remote place like Tian Du on the Tian Yue continent?" Su Wanlin was astonished, also puzzled.

"It seems Tianming is not a match for this mysterious boy!" Ge Xiong frowned, feeling disappointed and unwilling, but he was powerless. The martial competition was fair, though he hadn't expected Ge Tianming to encounter such a strong opponent.

However, Ge Tianming didn't seem ready to admit defeat. After a moment of shock, his expression turned serious, eyes filled with fierceness. Young boys are competitive by nature, and Ge Tianming was no exception, especially after being insulted by his opponent. He had to fight back to save face.

"You look very unconvinced, as if you don't understand the gap between us. Or do you think you have the strength to defeat me? If you really think so, I can only say you're too naive." Ling Zhan's figure slowly descended, looking at Ge Tianming with a cold smile, his disdainful tone undisguised, extremely arrogant and proud.

Knowing Ling Zhan was at the Golden Core stage, Su Gutian and Liu Feng fell silent. Ling Zhan had the right to say such things. Though his words were very unpleasant, he had the qualifications to say them. On the Tian Yue continent, the strong could do as they pleased and be as arrogant as they liked.

"I will never admit defeat!" Ge Tianming said firmly, his eyes filled with determination. Even knowing his opponent was powerful, he refused to give in.

"Foolish!" Ling Zhan shook his head with a cold smile, "Fine, I will show you now that your persistence is a mistake!"


As his words fell, Ling Zhan's surging true essence began to radiate, his whole body emitting a purple glow. An astonishing power quickly erupted from his body, causing the platform to hum and vibrate. Cracks began to spread from under his feet.

"So… so powerful! Is this really the strength of a young boy? Unbelievable!"

"Amazing! The platform is shaking, the power of a Golden Core stage is indeed terrifying!"

"Hey! Look at the youth division over there, there's a kid at the Golden Core stage! Incredible!"

"How is this possible? Who is that kid? He's at the Golden Core stage while still underage?"

"A Golden Core stage! Truly rare! The martial competition has never seen a Golden Core stage in the youth division before!"

Feeling the powerful force Ling Zhan unleashed, everyone started discussing in shock. Even the adults in the other divisions turned their attention over.

"Xiao Chen, this guy is also at the early Golden Core stage. If you were to fight him, do you think you could win?" the Ancient White Tiger transmitted.

"Who knows!" Xiao Chen smiled, his eyes unwavering, filled with determination. His battle intent was also aroused.

"What violent true essence! So powerful!" Su Gutian was shocked, sweat forming on his forehead.

Liu Feng's expression was extremely serious. Facing such a powerful opponent, even he couldn't say for sure that he could win. However, the arrogant Ling Zhan made Liu Feng eager to fight him immediately.

"Tianming's firm will in the face of a strong enemy is truly commendable," Liu Yuntian said, nodding in satisfaction.

On the platform, Ge Tianming's expression was extremely solemn. Ling Zhan was the most formidable opponent he had ever faced. Even when facing Su Gutian and Liu Feng, he hadn't felt such heavy pressure.

"Now, I will show you the gap between our strengths! Be careful." Ling Zhan sneered. As his words fell, he transformed into a purple light and rushed forward.

His speed was so fast that it was a blur. Before anyone could see clearly, Ling Zhan was already close to Ge Tianming. The latter, channeling his true essence, saw a blur but managed to strike out with his palm.


However, to Ge Tianming's shock, his palm strike hit nothing but air. Ling Zhan had somehow appeared behind him and punched his back. With a muffled thud, Ge Tianming flew forward several meters, rolling on the platform before stopping.

"What happened? He was in front of me just a moment ago, how did he get behind me in the blink of an eye?" Ge Tianming was shocked. Rolling on the ground had caused several abrasions, and his back throbbed with pain from the strong punch, blood trickling from his mouth.

"Tianming!" Ge Xiong frowned, his eyes fixed on Ge Tianming, deeply worried.

"So fast! I couldn't see how he moved." Su Gutian was shocked, it looked as if Ge Tianming had thrown himself forward.

"What a guy, increasing his speed in an instant. Such powerful movement techniques! Is it an Earth-level technique?" Liu Feng was shocked, his face growing more serious.

"The difference in strength is too great! Ge Tianming has no chance of winning! He is completely suppressed in both speed and power," Xiao Chen shook his head, now seeing Ling Zhan as his most formidable opponent.

On the platform, Ling Zhan looked at Ge Tianming with a cold smile, "You cannot possibly win against me, and you never will. You should surrender to avoid unnecessary suffering. I went easy on you with that punch."


Ge Tianming wiped the blood from his mouth, his eyes flashed fiercely. Without a word, he stomped the ground with a bang, creating cracks as he charged forward like a fierce tiger.

"Overestimating yourself!" Ling Zhan sneered. His figure flickered, transforming into a purple light as he rushed forward.

As Ge Tianming saw Ling Zhan attacking, he immediately changed direction, moving quickly around Ling Zhan, seemingly searching for an opening.

Seeing this, Ling Zhan stopped, coldly smiling, "What? Trying to find my weaknesses?"

"It's useless. Ling Zhan's alertness and observation are extremely strong. Even if there are weaknesses, he can strike first before Ge Tianming can attack," Xiao Chen shook his head. The Golden Core stage's strength was far superior to the Qi Refining stage, a fact Xiao Chen understood well.

"Your speed is too slow!" Ling Zhan glanced at the quickly moving Ge Tianming and shook his head. He immediately launched an attack.



Ling Zhan's figure flickered, rapidly striking. Suddenly, a muffled sound was heard as he hit Ge Tianming's abdomen, who was shocked. Ling Zhan then struck his chest with another punch. The powerful force sent Ge Tianming flying, crashing hard onto the platform.

Receiving two powerful punches from Ling Zhan, Ge Tianming's face turned pale, blood flowing from his mouth. The pain in his abdomen and chest was excruciating, making it difficult to breathe.

Despite the severe pain, the determined Ge Tianming didn't utter a cry. He stood up, still glaring fiercely at Ling Zhan, showing no fear.

"Young master…" In the pavilion, the Ge family members were anxious. The spectators were also secretly worried.

"Is this guy suicidal? He's no match at all, yet he won't surrender," the Ancient White Tiger commented, finding Ge Tianming peculiar.

"If it were me, I wouldn't surrender either. I admire Ge Tianming's determination," Xiao Chen said.

"Why?" the Ancient White Tiger asked, puzzled.

"Because of the insults and ridicule. Everyone has their dignity. Even the strong should not insult the weak. Ling Zhan's mockery is the most unacceptable," Xiao Chen said angrily. Ling Zhan's behavior had greatly displeased him. This was just a martial competition, but Ling Zhan's actions were excessive.

"You're right. Ling Zhan's words are indeed too much!" the Ancient White Tiger transmitted, agreeing after hearing Xiao Chen's reasoning.

"Quite tenacious. Facing a strong enemy and still standing up, I have to admire you. But I've lost interest in you. You're too weak to be worth my effort!" Seeing Ge Tianming stand up despite facing an unbeatable opponent, Ling Zhan admired him but had lost patience.

Saying this, Ling Zhan attacked again. A flash of purple light, and he appeared in front of Ge Tianming, sneering, "At your age, with only a late Qi Refining stage, you're considered trash on the Tian Yue continent."



Ling Zhan's attack was no longer restrained. He struck Ge Tianming's abdomen with a powerful punch, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood. The small figure flew out of the platform.

Seeing this, the entire venue fell silent. Even the adults in the other competitions were shocked to see the Ge family's young master defeated.

"Tianming!" Ge Xiong and the Ge family experts hurriedly flew down in panic.

"Hmph!" Ling Zhan snorted coldly. Under the astonished gazes of the crowd, he walked down from the platform. Wherever he passed, the spectators parted to make way for him.

"L-Ling Zhan is the winner!" The referee's voice trembled slightly, and a look of shock appeared on his face.