Chapter 53: Xiao Chen vs. Ling Zhan (1)

"This bastard is truly ruthless! It's bad enough to insult someone, but to strike so heavily? It infuriates me!" a cultivator shouted angrily, glaring at Ling Zhan. However, he didn't dare to act, given Ling Zhan's terrifying strength.

"Liu Feng! Liu Feng!" Su Gutian also shouted anxiously, but Liu Feng was already unconscious and couldn't hear him.

"Oh no! Uncle Liu, Liu Feng is seriously injured and has passed out. You must save him!" Ge Tianming said urgently, worried that Liu Feng might not wake up.

"Scoundrel!" Su Wanlin slammed the table and stood up angrily, "So young and already so vicious, showing no regard for Tian Du. Outrageous!"

"Master Su, hold on! Ling Zhan's background is unknown and his strength is formidable. We mustn't act rashly. Besides, this is a fair competition, and there are no rules against heavy strikes. If you make a move and it gets out, Tian Du will become a laughingstock on the Tian Yue Continent," Ge Xiong quickly intervened. Though furious, he suppressed his anger for Tian Du's sake.

Below the stage, Liu Yuntian hurriedly administered a healing pill to Liu Feng and then infused true essence to protect Liu Feng's heart meridian, feeling somewhat relieved.

Liu Yuntian was intensely furious, his gaze filled with killing intent as he looked at Ling Zhan and shouted, "Ling Zhan, this is a martial arts tournament. Why did you strike so heavily?"

"Heavily? Master Liu, why don't you say that Liu Feng was too weak to withstand even half of my strength?" Ling Zhan sneered, showing no respect for Liu Yuntian. Despite Liu Yuntian being at the Nascent Soul stage, Ling Zhan wasn't afraid.

"You brat, how dare you speak to our master like that!" A senior from the Liu family shouted angrily, ready to teach Ling Zhan a lesson. Being at the mid-Golden Core stage, he certainly wasn't afraid of Ling Zhan.

"Stop!" Liu Yuntian ordered, casting a furious glare at Ling Zhan. Though enraged, he hadn't lost his reason. Ling Zhan's background was unknown and likely significant. Being one of the three major powers in Tian Du, he couldn't bully a youth.

"Take the young master back for treatment!" Liu Yuntian instructed the Liu family servants, his face extremely grim.

Ling Zhan glanced at the referee and coldly said, "Aren't you going to announce the verdict?"

Frightened by Ling Zhan's look, the referee quickly stammered, "Ling… Ling Zhan wins!"

Below the stage, Mo Yan said in horror, "Who is this Ling Zhan? He shows no respect even to Master Liu. He's incredibly bold."

"Ling Zhan might not respect Master Liu because of the power behind him or his talent. In just two years, he could surpass Master Liu, so he isn't afraid. Or maybe there's a more formidable expert nearby," Xiao Chen speculated, thinking of Mu Qing, who was protected by strong individuals in secret. Ling Zhan might be similar.

Mo Yan glanced at Xiao Chen and said, "Listening to you, that makes sense. Without powerful backing, a mere youngster wouldn't dare to be so arrogant in Tian Du. Xiao Chen, be careful when you face him. It's okay if you can't win."

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Mo Yan, but I will do my best to defeat him!" Xiao Chen smiled, a fierce glint in his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Chen's expression, Mo Yan was startled, feeling a chill. "Xiao Chen's eyes were terrifying for a moment."

"The finals are about to begin. Ling Zhan, Xiao Chen, and Lei Fei will fight in a three-way battle. The last one standing will be the champion!" The referee's voice announced after the incense stick burned out.

"The finals are finally starting. This is exciting! I wonder who will win the tournament!" a cultivator said with a grin.

"Although Lei Fei isn't weak, he's far behind the Golden Core stage. This fight is between Xiao Chen and Ling Zhan for the championship!"

"That brat Ling Zhan is too vile! Daring to insult Tian Du, I support Xiao Chen to win the first place!"

"Me too! I support Xiao Chen! Even if Ling Zhan wins, I'll consider Xiao Chen the real champion!"

"Right! Ling Zhan is too detestable!"

The spectators were already buzzing with excitement before the battle even began.

"Be careful, Xiao Chen!" Mo Yan reminded.

Xiao Chen nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Mo Yan." Then he leaped onto the stage.

"Xiao Chen, give it your all! Beat that bastard Ling Zhan!" Su Gutian shouted immediately.

At this moment, Lei Fei was already on the stage, and Ling Zhan floated down from the pavilion with an arrogant demeanor, clearly disregarding Xiao Chen and Lei Fei.

"The match begins!" The referee immediately announced once all three were on stage.

Lei Fei assumed a stance, staring intently at Xiao Chen and Ling Zhan. He didn't dare make the first move, knowing that in a three-way battle, whoever attacked first would be jointly targeted by the other two.

Xiao Chen and Ling Zhan didn't move, their eyes locked on each other, ignoring Lei Fei.

"Are you kidding me? They're ignoring me completely! What terrifying eyes!" Lei Fei thought, feeling immense pressure as if a mountain weighed on him.

The audience fell silent, all eyes on the battered stage, increasing Lei Fei's pressure.

Unable to bear it any longer, Lei Fei lowered his stance and said, "I forfeit."

His words didn't elicit any reaction. Everyone was focused on Xiao Chen and Ling Zhan, treating Lei Fei as if he were invisible.

"Seriously? I forfeit, and no one responds? No applause or anything? I can't take it!" Lei Fei, dejected, jumped off the stage.

To the spectators, Lei Fei's participation or not made no difference. He had no chance of winning first place. Fighting would only result in injury, making forfeiting the best choice.

"With the eyesore gone, Xiao Chen, you can start now," Ling Zhan sneered, spreading his hands nonchalantly.

"Xiao Chen! Beat him up! Show no mercy!" the ancient White Tiger's voice echoed, excitement evident.

Xiao Chen bent his body slightly, like a beast ready to pounce, a fierce look in his eyes.


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen stomped the ground, leaving a crater, and charged forward with incredible speed, becoming a blur.

"What?" Ling Zhan's expression changed at Xiao Chen's speed.


Xiao Chen's speed left Ling Zhan no time to dodge or block. With a loud thud, Xiao Chen headbutted Ling Zhan, sending him flying several meters.


The spectators were stunned, mouths agape, shocked by the sight.

"Bastard!" Ling Zhan cursed, furious after being hit. He flipped in midair, landed steadily, and immediately launched a counterattack, charging forward with incredible speed.


In a flash, Ling Zhan reached Xiao Chen, throwing a powerful punch. Xiao Chen met it with his own punch, and the impact forced Xiao Chen back several steps.

Retreating, Xiao Chen stomped the ground and charged again, this time spinning parallel to the stage.

"Humph! Don't think your strong physique will defeat me! Naive!" Ling Zhan snorted, charging at Xiao Chen.

As Ling Zhan's punch descended, Xiao Chen performed a maneuver to stop instantly. With Ling Zhan's punch missing, Xiao Chen delivered a powerful kick to Ling Zhan from above.

"What? He can stop instantly at such speed!" Ling Zhan was shocked, but he dodged Xiao Chen's powerful kick.


Xiao Chen's kick struck the stage, creating a large crater. Had it hit Ling Zhan, he would have been embedded into the stage.


The spectators gasped in shock at Xiao Chen's strength, frozen in place.

"You dodged quickly," Xiao Chen sneered, looking at Ling Zhan as he stood up.

"This guy's speed and strength have greatly increased. He never used such speed and power in his previous fights. He's been hiding his true abilities," Ling Zhan thought, his expression serious.

Seeing Ling Zhan hesitant, Xiao Chen coldly said, "What? Not planning to attack? In that case, I won't hold back!"

Ling Zhan snorted, "Humph! Xiao Chen, you're arrogant. Soon, you'll regret being so boastful in front of me!"