Chapter 58: First in Tiandu

"Ling Zhan fell out of the ring!" someone in the crowd suddenly shouted excitedly. Although the ring was almost completely destroyed, the boundaries could still be seen.

"Ling Zhan fell out of the ring!" Another person shouted with immense excitement, and gradually, the crowd below the ring grew more and more boisterous.

"Ling Zhan fell out of the ring! Xiao Chen won! Xiao Chen won! Haha!" Ge Tianming was the first to cheer and laugh loudly.

Su Gutian, equally excited, laughed, "That's great! Xiao Chen won! He defeated Ling Zhan! Well done!"

"We won! Xiao Chen won! He finally defeated that bastard Ling Zhan!" Shi Yu exclaimed excitedly.

"We finally got our revenge this time! Let's see what that arrogant and domineering Ling Zhan has to say now!" Lei Fei also said excitedly.

"Wonderful! Xiao Chen won! That was a real scare just now!" Mo Yan was so happy that he was in tears. Only after Ling Zhan was defeated did Mo Yan truly feel relieved.

"We finally won, haha, it was a close call," on the stage, Xiao Chen smiled weakly, his face extremely pale. He was barely able to half-squat using his Divine Sword for support, without the strength to stand up. His whole body felt terribly sore.

"Xiao Chen, your true essence is overexerted, and your injuries are severe. Don't talk! Let Mo Yan take you for healing later," the Ancient White Tiger communicated worriedly, deeply concerned about Xiao Chen's injuries.

"Ling Zhan fell out of the ring! Xiao Chen wins!" At this moment, the referee also shouted with immense excitement, clearly hoping in his heart that Xiao Chen would defeat Ling Zhan, otherwise, he wouldn't be so thrilled.

"Haha, wonderful! Xiao Chen won! He gave Tiandu a boost! Ouch! It hurts! It hurts!" Liu Feng laughed excitedly, his overly exaggerated movements causing his wounds to hurt again, and he gasped in pain with a grimace.

As the underage group's competition concluded, so did the adult group's, and Su Guyun did not disappoint the people of Tiandu by winning first place in the adult group. The crowd cheered and celebrated Su Guyun's victory.

"This is impossible! I couldn't lose to him!" Ling Zhan said weakly as he lay on the ground, his face pale and unable to move, with a patch of red staining the ground.


"Young Master! Your injuries are severe; you need immediate treatment!" A black shadow appeared suddenly, said a sentence, and then disappeared with Ling Zhan in a flash. No one saw who it was due to the incredible speed.

"Xiao Chen! I will never let you go!" Ling Zhan fumed inwardly, deeply resentful about losing to Xiao Chen.

"So fast!" The heads of the three main families noticed the shadow. They exchanged glances, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

"Who was that shadow just now? So fast! Gutian, did you see it clearly?" Ge Tianming asked in confusion.

Su Gutian shook his head, "I didn't see clearly, too fast. I only saw Ling Zhan disappear into thin air. It seems Ling Zhan's identity is extraordinary, with such a powerful expert protecting him in secret."

"Where did Ling Zhan go? Where did he run off to?"

"Huh? He really disappeared! Ling Zhan was severely injured, wasn't he? Where did he go? If he doesn't get treated soon, it'll be dangerous."

"Could it be that he hid out of shame after losing?"

People didn't pay attention to Ling Zhan. They were more interested in Xiao Chen, who defeated Ling Zhan, cheering and celebrating for him. It was only after Ling Zhan disappeared that they noticed.

"Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen!" Xiao Chen, on the stage, due to overexertion of his true essence and severe injuries, suddenly fainted on the stage. Mo Yan hurriedly rushed up in a panic.

"Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen! Hang in there!" The Ancient White Tiger also communicated anxiously.

"Not good! Xiao Chen's injuries are serious, he needs immediate treatment!" Seeing Xiao Chen faint, Liu Yuntian's face changed, and he quickly flashed over.

He took out healing pills for Xiao Chen, stabilized Xiao Chen's meridians with true essence, and continuously injected true essence to heal him.

"Father, you must save Xiao Chen. He defeated Ling Zhan and avenged Tiandu!" Liu Feng quickly said. With the help of a Liu family expert, he also descended to the stage. Although Liu Feng was arrogant, he had a sense of loyalty and wouldn't just stand by and watch.

"Uncle Liu, please save Xiao Chen!" Su Gutian also anxiously said. The teenagers gathered around, each very concerned about Xiao Chen's condition.

After about half a stick of incense, Liu Yuntian retracted his true essence and exhaled a sigh of relief. Before he could speak, Mo Yan hurriedly asked, "Master Liu, how is Xiao Chen's condition? Is his life in danger?"

"Haha, no, Xiao Chen's physique is exceptionally strong. Though he took two heavy hits from Ling Zhan, the injuries are not life-threatening. He fainted because he overexerted his true essence during the final fight. Don't worry." Liu Yuntian smiled slightly and looked deeply at Xiao Chen, realizing Xiao Chen's strong physique while healing him.

"Phew! That's great! What a scare!" Mo Yan patted his chest and said in relief.

"This guy Xiao Chen is incredible. I truly admire him now!" Su Gutian said with a smile. Knowing Xiao Chen was out of danger, he was also relieved.

Liu Feng nodded and smiled, "I thought I'd win first place in this tournament, but Xiao Chen came out of nowhere, as did Ling Zhan. Watching their fight made me realize they are much stronger than me. I sincerely admire him; he deserves first place."

Although Liu Feng admired him, he was still unwilling. Every time he thought of Ling Zhan's insults, he was furious and had already decided to retreat and cultivate. He would return Ling Zhan's insult tenfold sooner or later.

"By the way, does anyone know who Xiao Chen is? Where is he from? Xiao Chen doesn't seem to be from Tiandu," Ge Tianming asked, looking at everyone.

Liu Feng and the others shook their heads, indicating they didn't know. Then Mo Yan spoke up with a smile, "I know. I met Xiao Chen in the Demonic Beast Mountain Range, where he saved my life."

At this, Mo Yan glanced at Ge Fei from the Ge family. Ge Fei's face suddenly changed dramatically, becoming panicked. Mo Yan did not expose him and continued with a smile, "Xiao Chen is from Fengyue City. He came all the way from Fengyue City alone for training. That's all I know."

"Fengyue City? Near Tiandao Sect?" Liu Yuntian asked in confusion.

"Yes!" Mo Yan nodded.

"I heard over a year ago, Tiandao Sect was wiped out overnight. No one knows who did it, but it seemed that the mysterious person was searching for something," Su Wanlin said, although he wasn't clear on the details.

"I heard about that too, but Fengyue City is far from Tiandu, so I didn't pay much attention," Su Gutian said.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, you're awake? That's great!" Mo Yan suddenly saw Xiao Chen open his eyes slightly and was overjoyed.

"Xiao Chen, don't move yet. Your injuries are severe, lie down for now," Su Gutian quickly said, indicating Xiao Chen should stay still.

"Xiao Chen, are you okay? You don't know, Master Liu gave you healing pills and personally treated you just now!" Mo Yan said with a happy smile.

When Xiao Chen opened his eyes and saw so many people around him, all so concerned about him, he felt a warmth in his heart that he never experienced in the Xiao family.

Xiao Chen grinned happily, "Thank you, Master Liu."

"Haha, no need to thank me, young brother. You avenged Tiandu for us. It's only right that I help you heal," Liu Yuntian said with a faint smile.

"Great! Xiao Chen is awake!" The teenagers cheered excitedly, and the cultivators below the ring also cheered.

"This kid Xiao Chen is amazing! Took two heavy hits from Ling Zhan, and now he woke up so quickly!" a cultivator said with an excited laugh.

"I think you're more excited because you bet on Xiao Chen and won, aren't you?"

"Ahem! Who said that? I'm genuinely happy for Xiao Chen. Of course, you caught me a little there."

"Haha!" Everyone laughed heartily.

As Xiao Chen woke up, Liu Yuntian slowly stood up and looked at the crowd. He raised his hand to signal for quiet and then smiled, "The tri-annual martial tournament is finally over, and the champions of both the underage and adult groups have emerged. I'm sure everyone guessed it. The adult group champion is Su Guyun, and the underage group champion is Xiao Chen!"

"Su Guyun! Su Guyun!"

"Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen!"

Everyone shouted excitedly, clapping and cheering for both of them, their faces red with excitement.

Liu Yuntian signaled for quiet again and continued smiling, "Su Guyun and Xiao Chen won the first places in the martial tournament, each awarded 10,000 superior crystals. However, an uninvited guest insulted our Tiandu. Fortunately, Xiao Chen defeated him. Otherwise, our Tiandu would have lost face. Therefore, on behalf of Tiandu, I decided to reward Xiao Chen with an additional 10,000 superior crystals."

"Great!" The crowd roared in agreement, with no one objecting.

Liu Yuntian laughed and said, "Moreover, of all the martial tournaments I've seen, this one has been the most exciting." His excitement grew as he spoke, and the crowd below erupted into cheers once more.

At this point, Liu Yuntian handed the prepared storage pouches to Xiao Chen and Su Guyun. Each pouch contained superior crystals, but Xiao Chen received two.

Xiao Chen felt indescribable joy in his heart. For the first time, the aura of genius enveloped him. The joy of transforming from a "waste" into a "genius" was something only Xiao Chen could truly understand.

As the martial tournament concluded, everyone dispersed. Mo Yan then carried Xiao Chen away, heading to his residence.

Xiao Chen deeply felt Mo Yan's concern, comparable to that of a real brother. This brotherly affection made Xiao Chen's pale face reveal a happy smile. Riding on Mo Yan's back, Xiao Chen felt an immense warmth and silently expressed his gratitude in his heart, "Big Brother Mo Yan, thank you."