
While heading to the throne room, the match with Kei and Violet came to his mind, reflecting the way she could fight and his brows furrowed, wondering how she could do all of that and what more there was to her that he missed, since he began feeling as though, the girl before him had changed, to someone he was no longer able to recognize or maybe she was always like that, but he just could not see it. 

Many thoughts mingled together in the king's head, creating a mess that was now hard to clear, since he did not know what to believe now about her and what not to, since before nothing that were happening at the time, ever happened before and it all only added to his confusion. 

The king sighed and ran a hand through his hair, feeling frustrated, something that he had not felt in a long time, but he shook his head, trying to shake off the feeling, since there were many other things, he had to tend to, his duties as a king. 

Upon arriving in the throne room and taking his seat on his throne, the queen who was passing by at the same time, glanced at him and knew that with the mood he was in, it was best to not bring up anything that would make it worse. 

The queen went on her way, wanting to avoid riling him up and as he was discussing a few matters concering the attacks of the creatures, with the officals that worked for him. 

He began feeling an ache in his head and his eyes glowed brightly as an imagine of Violet, standing with what looked like bodies around her, blood dripping from a blade with a dragon marking, and her eyes were glowing with blood stains on her face, standing on top of those bodies.

The king's eyes widened as the image disappeared after a breif moment and he placed his head against his palm, thinking about what he had just seen, why he had seen it and what it all meant. 

He knew he needed to find out why he saw that and what it meant but at the time, he had his duties to tend to and decided to deal with what he saw later and continued tending to his responsibilities, even though for the first time in forever, he was a little distracted. 

Meanwhile, Violet had finished preparing her things for the next day and she was sitting on her bed, with Xania by her side as she practiced her control over the skills, she currently had access to. 

Her body was glowing slightly purple as were her eyes as she was sitting in a meditating position on the bed and small amount of flames began forming on the tip of her finger as a magic circle was in front of her, one which was created by Xania, to help her with control. 

She took a deep breath and exhaled deeply, while doing so, the flames intensity was reducing and rising, moving the way she wanted it to and Xania smiled when he saw that she was beginning to get the hang of it. 

Violet looked at the flame as it reflected in her eyes and she flinched suddenly when she saw two piercing red yet beautiful eyes, reflecting back to her from within the flames and Xaia glanced at her as the flame disappeared and she sighed, before taking a deep breath, wondering what she had just seen and whose eyes those were, something about them intensity from them, made it familiar yet dangerous in her eyes. 

"What's the matter, Violet?" Xania asked and she snapped out of her thoughts then looked at him. 

"I saw something, it was weird yet strangely dangerous and familiar, maybe it's just a side effect of me only now being able to use my abilities properly," She responded and his brows furrowed, knowing that was not how the abilities she currently possessed worked. 

"You and I both know that is not how this works Violet, tell me what you saw and maybe I will be able to help you more later on, but I am going to need you to not keep things from me, if you do I will not be able to do what I am supposed to," Xania said and she looked at him and he smiled then gave her a nod and she sighed. 

"Alright, you are right, also it was indeed strange, when I looked into the flames just now, I saw a pair of eyes, red and beautiful yet dangerous, it was a little unsettling to be honest, because I felt as though, they were looking right back at me, for some reason," She replied and Xania's brows furrowed, as he lowered his head, taking in what she told him. 

'I don't get it, how is she seeing these things, she is not supposed to.... Stupid dragon, just what is this life going to lead her into, what dangers does it actually contain? I am more than certain there is more to it all, a reason and only you know it, what kind of fate and path awaits her....'Xania wondered, feeling a bit worried about the uncertain future that laid before Violet. 

"I see.... Maybe it was just an illusion of some sort," Xania said to her and she glanced at him then smiled before patting his head and nodding. 

"Yeah, maybe it was indeed just nothing, so no need to worry about it so much," She replied and he nodded before lowering his gaze a bit, since he had a feeling there was much to it than meets the eyes, but he did not say anything to Violet, since the first day of the event would start soon and he did not want to add to her plate of stress, that she already had to deal with. 

"Let's call it quits for tonight, I have to get up early in the morning to join the others, don't worry, good night, Xania," She said and he smiled at her before switch off the lights. 

"Good night, kid," He replied as she went to sleep and his eyes narrowed as he looked at her, before laying by her side, wondering as he drifted off to sleep, what the future held for her, one with many uncertain paths.