A Favor

Destiny's POV

"You could have texted or called me if you needed something. Why did you go to my office?" Red asked as I could see his eyes darken with anger.

"I understand you don't want to see me anymore, Red. The feeling is mutual, but you are the only one who can help me." I softly responded, avoiding his dark gaze.

"What kind of trouble are you in this time, Destiny?" He questioned with a voice as cold as ice.

"I want to have a DNA paternity test again; you are the only one close to my dad who can help me. I needed a sample of his DNA from his personal things like a toothbrush or comb," I responded without breaking eye contact with him, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Why are you doubtful about the result?" He asked, and my face turned crimson as I looked at him with frustration.

" I didn't know what kind of potion or spell Carmen and Carmie put on you that you turn into a big jerk," I said, and his face turned darker as he lowered his eyebrows.

"Watch your mouth, Destiny." He uttered.

"I just couldn't understand why you believe in their lies. You used to tell me I was a photocopy of my father." I stated.

"No one fabricated the result; Alejandro came with Carmen and couldn't believe the result either." He answered.

"My dad was blinded by his love for Carmen and would listen to everything she says." I insisted.

"What do you want me to do, Destiny?" He asked.

"You will help me get a sample of my dad's hair," I replied.

"Okay, I will do that, and promise me you will disappear after you get what you want." He responded, and my throat felt dry. I couldn't believe he hated me that much.

"Don't worry, I will disappear for good, but I won't leave unless I know the truth. I want to know who I really am. If I am not my dad's daughter, I need to find out who my real dad is." I replied, and his facial expression changed into concern, but it didn't last long as he quickly returned to being cold.

"I need to go back to the courthouse; I will text you when I have your father's sample." He let out as he stood up.

"No, I will be the one to get it, and you will be the one to help me get inside our house for the last time," I quickly replied, and his forehead furrowed as he looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"What? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?" He asked, massaging his temple.

"Of course, that is my plan; if you don't help me, then I have no choice but to return to our mansion alone," I responded, and I couldn't read the expression on his face as he fell silent.

"Destiny, your father ordered the guard never to let you in; you can't come near Alejandro's house.  You will only get hurt." Red said after a while.

"I know how to sneak in inside our house, Red." I confidently responded.

"It was before the scandal. Your father's men will never attempt to stop you because you are your father's doted child, but you are no longer that person, Destiny. Just a simple reminder, just in case you had forgotten what happened." Red emphasized his point, and I glared as I looked into his eyes.

"Alejandro was broken-hearted after he found that letter; it was your father's idea to have a DNA test since he was restless after he read your mom's letter to her lover." He added, and I shook my head.

"My mom would never do that to my dad; she was in love with him." I countered.

"I don't know how to answer you, Destiny, but I will do my best to recover that letter for your peace of mind," Red mumbled.

"I need to go now, and please, don't ever come home; Alejandro was still pissed with your mom for keeping it a secret from him, and since your mother is not here anymore, he was taking his anger out on you," Red explained.

"That is why it was easy for him to kick you out." He added, and my limbs turned so weak as I gripped the bench. The fresh air that brushed against my skin suddenly felt so hot. I needed to take a deep breath to calm myself since I suddenly felt like I was hyperventilating.

"That is why I needed some proof, Red; please, I am begging you." I implored, but he still shook his head.

"If you trust me, I will get your father's hair sample." He firmly responded.

"Just forget I asked for help from you, and I am sorry for taking your time," I muttered as I stood up.

"Thank you for coming, even if you hated the idea of seeing me again. I added, and his eyes shaded with frustration.

"Destiny, please, don't do it, don't put yourself in danger." He declared.

"You don't care about me anymore, Red, so stop worrying about me. If I get caught, I am ready to face whatever punishment is in store for me. Goodbye Attorney Galvez." I proclaimed as I turned around, and before I could make another step, his strong hand caught my wrist and stopped me from walking.

"You will be the death of me, Des. What am I going to do with you, Destiny?" He asked. I wanted to smile as I heard him call me Des. That was his nickname for me.

I caught sight of defeat on his face, but it wasn't yet time to celebrate; I needed him to say the words before I could say I won.

"Carmen and Carmie will fly to Paris two days from now, and your father will follow them on Saturday." He said, and my face turned sour as I yanked my hand away from him.

"How about you?" I asked, even if I was afraid to hear his answer.

"I will fly with your dad," he softly responded, and I couldn't mask the pain I felt. They will be on vacation in Paris and will have a good time while I have a hard time. I didn't even know where to get money for our next meal.

I could feel the bile in my gut, and I had to stop myself from running away from Red and tried my best to look fine even if I could feel the searing pain in my heart.

"Your father will be alone by then except for the maids." He added, and his words made me feel hopeful.

"Don't worry, Red; this will be the last time I ask you for a favor," I responded, trying to contain the happiness of my little achievement. I knew convincing Red to help me was a gamble, and I was glad I made him say yes.

"I will pick you up at your house Thursday night," Red answered without emotion before turning his heels and walking away from me without saying goodbye. I slowly sauntered back to the bench and did my best to soothe my injured heart.

I will give the DNA result to my father once I have it. I was sure that Carmen had fabricated everything and that things would return to normal.

My feet led me to Pia, and she was happy to see me since it was her day off.

"You've seen your ex, and he is going to help you; something is going on, you two," she excitedly said, and I shook my head.

"No, he was just obliged to say yes since he knew I would still do it," I responded before I drank my soda.

"Well, I think that is the sanest thing to do; if Red brings the sample himself, you will still doubt if he gave you the right one, especially now that he was one of them." My friend said.

"I know, and I couldn't rest until I have it in my hand," I muttered.

"Good luck, heiress; I know you will win this time," Pia said with a wide grin.

"Thanks, but I am a little scared, but nothing can stop me from doing it, whether it would be a success or a failure." I softly replied before I let out a heavy sigh.

"I believe you can do it," she answered, giving me a warm smile.

"Thank you, Pia, for being a good listener," I responded, and she smiled at me.

"You are welcome. I couldn't wait to have a tour of your mansion once you have everything back in your life, and I am excited to have a sleepover in your house." She declared with excitement on her face.

A big smile spread on my face, but the image of Emma suddenly crossed my mind, and everything came rushing back to me like it was only yesterday that we had all the fun together, but in the end, she betrayed me.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Pia asked when she noticed my sudden change of expression.

"Yes," I lied, and I tried to talk with her with eagerness until it was time for me to bid farewell to my friend. I wished Pia wasn't like my previous best friend, who sold me out to my enemies just to have the man she loved, even if it was wrong.

I loved Emma like a sister, but what she had done was worse than Carmie. I trusted her with all my secrets. At least, with my stepsister, I knew where I stood in her life; she hated my existence, and we were enemies for life.

I went home feeling hopeful everything would fall into place after I got my dad's sample.

Thursday came, and I felt jittery as I waited for Red to arrive. I haven't told Daria my plan yet since I am sure she would oppose it. When I heard the knocking on my door, I scurried to open it, and I had to restrain myself from hugging Red.

He looked so handsome as he stood on the threshold wearing faded jeans and a white shirt.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Red asked, searching my eyes as he towered over me. My face turned redder as I stood gaping at him, inhaling his masculine scent, which turned my knees into jelly.

"Destiny open the damn door and stop ogling Red." Daria's words snapped me back to my senses, and I could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping on my face.

I turned my head in Daria's direction with a frown on my face before I opened the door wider so my ex could get inside while my heart was overwhelmed with a tidal wave of emotions.