A Good Actor

Destiny's POV

Sitting on the edge of his bed with his t-shirt on, my body felt like I was his girl again. My lips curled up as I watched Red's sleeping figure on the sofa. I knew it wasn't brilliant to hope that Red still cared about me after he slept with Carmie.

I knew from that moment he cheated on me; he ended what we had. The mere thought of losing him to my step-sister was torture. But if I wanted to get back at Carmie, it only meant I needed to steal back Red from her, even if I needed to swallow my pride.

'Can I do it?' I asked myself and shook my head.

I couldn't do it; I will never lower my pride since it is the only thing I have right now. I examined the hair clippings I plucked from my dad's head, which I sealed in a ziplock. They are primarily gray hair and reminders that he is getting older. I included the new growth closest to his scalp to ensure I got the correct sample.

I didn't want to do it again; seeing my father sleeping peacefully after he kicked me out of the house brought a sting into my heart every time I remembered that day.

You may call me crazy for putting the ziplock inside the belt bag in my tummy under my borrowed shirt. But I didn't want to lose it, or I was afraid Red would ruin my plan.

It was hard for me to trust him again after everything he had done. If possible, I would not sleep. I tried to keep my eyes shut, but the coldness of the AC lulled me to sleep.

I walked up with sun rays slipping into his room as he drew the curtain to the side.

"You better get up now, Destiny. The sun was up, and I didn't want to be seen with you." He said without emotion as he turned around and faced me. Red only wore a towel wrapped around his lower torso, showcasing his chiseled abs.

My face flushed as I looked at him, and I reprimanded myself that I should not get affected by his hot body and pretty face. I clenched my teeth as I dragged myself out of his bed; my eyes shone with hatred, but Red helped me, and I should be thankful to him.

I quickly stood up and got up, only to find out I wasn't wearing anything except his shirt and my panties. My face turned hot red as I sprinted to his bathroom.

'Get a grip, Destiny!' I hissed to myself as I looked at my flushed face and stared at my reflection in the mirror inside his lavish bathroom.

I pulled my folded clothes from the rack and put them on without showering. I will take a bath when I get home. My stomach grumbled as I put on my jeans, and I couldn't believe I felt so hungry.

I double-checked the belt bag to see if my dad's hair was still there, and even if I didn't like to smile, a slight grin appeared on my face after I examined the sample again.

"Are you going to put me in a garbage bag?" I asked after I got out of the bathroom, and he cocked his head at me, looking displeased with what I said.

"You should wear my sweatshirt and cover your head with its hood." He instructed without enthusiasm, and I felt glad he was now fully dressed with a pair of jeans and a gray shirt.

"If you are ready, we will leave," Red added.

"I am ready," I responded without looking at his cold eyes as I put on his sweatshirt, which smelled like him, and I realized he hadn't washed it yet.

I walked out of his bedroom like a fugitive at large. My eyes were wide open as I came after him. My hands were in my pocket, and my head was down as we navigated the corridors from the ground floor to the back door.

"Destiny!" My steps faltered, and my face turned hot as I listened to the pounding of my chest. Red's father called my name, and I waited for a cue from Red on what to do as I stood like a statue behind him. He halted and turned around, and a wide grin came through his face.

"Good morning, dad." Red greeted his dad as he put his arm on my wrist and slowly turned me around so I would face his father.

"Good morning, Ricardo." I greeted him without raising my head, and I heard his footsteps getting closer. When I looked up, I found him standing mere feet away from me with a warm smile on his face.

"I felt so happy to see you, and I couldn't wait to tell Gloria you are here; please stay and eat breakfast with us. She missed you like crazy."He said, looking so happy to see me before he turned his heels and left. I looked at Red with confusion all over my face.

"It seemed you were the only one who didn't want to see me," I mumbled as I darted him an angry gaze.

I walked toward their kitchen and smelled the aroma of food wafting in the atmosphere.

"Destiny!" He called my name in more than a whisper.

"You can't drag me out now, and I will not leave this house without saying hi to your mother," I responded with a triumphant smile.

"Destiny, my dearest child!" Gloria exclaimed as I stepped into the kitchen. She was hugging me in an instant that I could hardly breathe as she tightened her arms around me.

I had to hold back my tears from falling as I felt her love for me like I was her own child radiating from her warm embrace. Gloria was also close to me, especially after I made his son my boyfriend.

"I am sorry if I wasn't there for you when your dad drove you away from your own house," Gloria added, tears welling up her eyes.

"I spent sleepless nights thinking, where are you sleeping? I am thankful Daria texted me that you are alright, but I felt hurt when she told me she couldn't give me your new number." She continued with hurt on her face.

"I am sorry, Gloria; I should have called you," I replied in more than a whisper.

I wished to tell her what Red had said to me, but I didn't want them to have a misunderstanding because of me. It was clear to me now that Red didn't want me, and I didn't need to tell his parents about it; they adored him so much, and Red was a perfect son for them.

They can't dictate to their son whom to date and love.

Maybe Lucas had a point. I hugged Gloria back as tightly I could as I realized Red only used me to have my father's scholarship, and I was such a fool for believing in his lies.

I thought he was really in love with me, and Red was such a good actor.

I quickly masked the anger on my face with a wide beam as Gloria slowly released me from her hold.

"Sit and eat Destiny; you looked skinny to me. Did Daria didn't feed you well?" She asked as she started putting food on my plate.

I slowly sat down in the chair she pulled out for me while I saw Red, out of the corner of my eye, take a seat across from me with objection written on his face.

"Of course," I softly responded, taking the spoon and fork from the table.

I am hungry and hurt, and I won't let this fool stop me from eating. At least I would be dealing with my broken heart and soul with a full stomach.

Red was watching me without touching his plate, and I could see the excitement on her mother's face as she looked at us back and forth with a playful smile on her lips.

Gloria and Ricardo flooded me with questions, and I happily answered them with honesty, omitting the fact that their son made me feel miserable and that he was one of the reasons why my heart was shattered.

"Thank you so much for the breakfast," I told them after Red told them we needed to flee.

Quietness enfolded the car the entire ride to my house. He didn't listen to his favorite playlist, and the deafening silence made me close my eyes and pretend I wasn't with him. I wasn't in the mood to tell him what was inside my heart; it would only lead to another heartache if he confirmed the truth.

I didn't need to hear from his mouth that he only made me his girlfriend to finish his studies and become a successful lawyer.

"Thank you for your help, Red," I said after he stopped his car in our driveway. I was about to open the door when he stopped me from moving as he quickly clasped his fingers on my hand.

My heart palpitated, but my mind was screaming, telling me to stop having hopes.

"I hope this will be our last encounter, Destiny. I helped you, and I apologize in advance if I can't help you in the future." Red said, and as expected, he stabbed my heart again with his hurtful words. I felt glad I was ready for it, and I swatted his hand as I opened the door.

"Don't worry, Red, you will never see me again, not even in your dreams!" I responded before I closed the door in his face, walked towards our house, hugged myself, and thought he would be crawling back to me after I had the result of the DNA paternity test.