Biggest Mistake

Destiny's POV

"Thank you for driving me to town, Des," Red said as he inclined on his seat after I drove away from the farmhouse.

"You are welcome. Just as you know, I am doing all this for Thomas. I don't want to do anything with you. Atty. Galvez." I answered with coldness as I gripped the steering wheel harder than necessary.

"I know, and I deserve that, but please, drop the formality; for once, call me by my first name." He answered as he turned his head on me.

"It is better this way," I replied, and he heaved heavily.

"I am glad you are doing fine and seem to get along with Thomas's son; how long have you been engaged with Alex?" He asked, and I unintentionally pressed the break harder so the car almost skidded on the side of the road.

"Please, don't talk while I am driving; I can't concentrate!" I yelled as I looked at him sideways before I released the break and continued driving