The Truth

Red's POV

Destiny looked so frustrated when her eyes landed on me, while I looked triumphant, leaning on my car, watching her beautiful, irritated face.

Daria told me Des usually went to work at six o'clock in the morning, and since I knew Destiny would be avoiding me, I woke up at four o'clock and got ready, and I was waiting for her for one hour, but I didn't care, it was all worth it.

Every time Destiny pouted her lips, I wished to claim them and have a taste. Her unlimited hatred towards me was written on her lovely face after I put her in place inside my car.

I didn't want to anger her more, but I needed to do it since she could be hard-headed. I got so lucky that I happened to know her bank manager through a friend from law school. We had been acquainted with each other for years.