Shut Up And Kiss Me

Red's POV

I felt glad the police didn't get involved; I wanted Destiny and Alejandro to take down Carmen in the most agonizing way, like what she did with Destiny when she stripped her off with everything.

I only asked Leo to get the helicopter ready and their family doctor to make sure Alejandro and Destiny were doing fine. Rick had a serious talk with the doctor, and I found out he was a medical dropout before he enlisted in the military.

Rick and Bruno flew with us to Gordon's farmhouse. Daria gets hysterical after she finds out what happened to Destiny, and the doctor assures her Destiny will be fine. She almost fainted when she saw Destiny's face covered in blood.

We brought Destiny to her room while Alejandro was put in the room adjacent to his daughter. The doctor gave her fluids through the IV inserted into her veins to make sure she was hydrated while she was still in her deep slumber, but he assured us she would be up at any time.