A Perfect Plot

When Charlotte went downstairs, she ordered the housekeeper to tidy up one of the guest bedrooms. She was not petty about giving Leila a good room, but she still chose the furthest spot from the rest of the family. 

This choice was strategic. As long as Leila was not close to the rest of the family, she would know if the girl tried to snoop around. She was also worried that her family members would accidentally give up some secrets while talking. 

Both Amelia and Holly were in the living room, looking impatient. Mason was also in the room, but he was calmly playing with his phone, minding his own business.

"When is that girl coming? You know I wanted to go shopping before the new products from Phoenix Technologies run out of stock. Scarlet is doing an unboxing video tomorrow, and I want to have the same AR gear." Holly whined. 

Mason scoffed. 

"What are you laughing about?" Holly turned to look at him sharply. 

"Do you even know what AR stands for?" Mason did not back down. 

Holly's face flashed red with anger. "What does it have to do with you?"

"You are wasteful. You keep buying electronics you do not understand and dump them after a few days. You are destroying the planet. It is everyone's business." He replied. 

Holly snorted. "You are just jealous because nobody gives you money to buy anything. Even your phone is one of my hand-me-downs."

Mason's eyes showed a flicker of hurt because what Holly said was true. He never got anything from his parents apart from the basics, and he never liked to ask for money from his parents. But it was not like he did not have money. 

He just did not like to waste and throw things away if they could still be used. 

"That's enough," Charlotte said. "Leila is coming for lunch. She will stay in the garden-view guest room. Try to act properly while she is here."

Holly became angered immediately. "Why do we have to accommodate her? She is the one who is intruding on our space. She should be grateful that we are even welcoming her at all."

Before Charlotte could retort, Amelia spoke up. "Do not worry, Mom. I will watch out for her. I can show her around and make sure she is comfortable."

Holly was dumbfounded, but Charlotte did not let her speak. "At least one of you is sensible. If you cannot be civil, you can avoid her. I am looking at you, Holly. I will not tolerate rudeness. Understood?"

Charlotte was a little worried about Holly because of her temper. She was the one who was likely to expose them if that girl was indeed looking for information. It would be best if Holly and Leila did not interact. 

Holly huffed, but she knew that her mother was serious this time. She did not understand why everyone was bending backwards for an unrelated girl. Not to mention, the girl was probably uncultured after living with old people in the village. 

After making sure the children understood her, Charlotte left. 

"Why are you supporting this nonsense, Amelia?" Holly demanded, looking at her older sister. 

"The real question is why you are so against her." Amelia smiled lightly. "You have never met her, and you have no grudges with her. You can wait until you meet her before you start hating her."

Holly knew that Amelia was right, but she just could not accept it. 

"I just feel like she will bring bad luck or something," Holly grumbled. 

Amelia did not say anything more. 

In truth, she was also not as enthusiastic towards Leila as she pretended to be, but she was not stupid like her younger sister. There would be no benefits for going against Leila at this point in the game. 

After thinking extensively about her grandparents, she decided to become close to Leila. This way, she would have an open channel to her grandparents and their money. As long as Leila spoke up for her, it would be a piece of cake to get a dowry and an inheritance. 

Amelia was not afraid that Leila would reject her friendliness. 

As a girl from the village, Leila had probably not seen much of the world. She had probably grown up as a sheltered woman without contact with anyone apart from the old geezers in the village.

In addition, she probably did not even know that her adoptive grandparents were wealthy. Therefore, she would not suspect her motives in becoming friendly. Her grandparents would not doubt their friendship in the future as long as Leila remained under her control. 

The plan was perfect in Amelia's mind. 

She would begin with simple things like taking Leila shopping for clothes and teaching her how to do makeup. The most important thing was to make her a little materialistic and vain about her looks. 

That would not be difficult for a village girl. 

Then, she would introduce her to some of her friends. As a beautiful and educated girl, she had a lot of friends for various purposes. She planned to introduce Leila to her good-time second-generation friends she played with sometimes. 

She did not want Leila to get in contact with families that were too high-class in case she made powerful friends. 

Finally, she would introduce Leila to a few guys who would flatter her and make her even more vain. It would be best if she could make Leila fall in love with one of her friends because it would make manipulating her easier. 

As long as she curated Leila's life in Lake City and controlled it, Amelia was sure it was only a matter of time before she had an open channel to her grandparents. In the best-case scenario, her grandparents would even stop liking Leila and transfer all their affection to her. 

While she was lost in her fantasies of being a wealthy woman, her phone range. She checked the caller ID, and her eyes flashed with excitement. It was her mentor who took her under her wing after noticing her talent. 

"Hello, Professor." She spoke politely. 

"Amelia, I have some exciting news. I have found you an opportunity to be an intern with Farrel Motors under Edgar Farrel. If he takes a liking to you, you will have an easier time in the university and pave a smoother path for your future."

Amelia felt like she was flying. She had just completed her final high school exam and was waiting for the results to determine where she would attend university. Already, she was confident that she would get her first choice. 

However, standing out as a freshman was hard. 

If she could be an apprentice for Edgar Farrel, she would be far ahead of her peers.

"Thank you so much." 

"Do not let me down." 

"I won't."